I just got a 3 year old cat from the spca that tries to eat my food all the time how can i make her stop?


I have tried everything, but she doen`t stop trying to eat people food. I give her the best cat food. I presume her last owners fed her their food all the time. I need help in traning her.


Become a vegetarian - works in our house :)heheEdit - pooh to you thumbs downers - no sense of humour phhht! :P


Firstly, dont leave unattended food out where she can get to it. Secondly, have a squirt bottle of water at hand. When she gets to close, squirt her (preferably in the head/face) with a little water - you dont need much at all - a small squirt will do, and it will send her packing quick smart! You cant beat the squirty-bottle - its the number 1 cat training tool!!Good luck!