Are there any effects of changing cat food flavors?


I regularly gave my cat a certain flavor of cat food. This past week or so the store didnt have the usual flavor i buy so i bought the same brand but different flavor. My cat wasnt very hesitant with the new flavor. I noticed his eating habits were changing, he was eating less than usual. Could this be because of the cat food?


The problem is tummy upset..but also you should note that "FLAVOR" means crap! buy a food with actual MEAT - cats are Carnivores - they need meat in their diets, too many foods use corn and add "flavor" you basically have to feed your cat MORE food and get MORE poops toohere read this it explains about good ingredients and bad.. and why..http://therealowner. com/shopping/what-is…yes good food costs more BUT in the end you save money because your cat eats LESS, and is healtheir!


It really depends on the personality of the cat. My cats are perfectly fine with the change in their dry food week after week. They actually prefer a change! Just make sure that the animal is not allergic to any certain ingredient in the food. From your description, your cat is just being fussy!


If you constantly feed your cat the same type of food all the time, hes probably just trying to get used to the flavor. There isnt really anything wrong, just dont switch brands all of a sudden, or he might get sick


Yes, cats do not like change of any kind. You didnt mention if it was dry or wet so Ill take a shot. If its dry, try mixing a little wet with it at first until he doesnt need the enticement. If its wet, try to find the right food. Good Luck


My cats get finiky when i switch thier food, i have to do a mixture of the old and new to get them used to it.


Could be...but sounds like all is fine.