Where can i get cat food addins like taurine?


Im making my own cat food without grinding bones. Will ground over the counter human suppliments do?


For supplements and the like:http://www. revivalanimal. com/But I would recommend the information on this site which has links to more:http://www. rawfedcats. org/Pet food companies have brainwashed us into thinking that supplements and processed food are necessary for kittys survival--not true. Last time I checked cats in the wild dont have a bottle of vitamins or a grill. Prey model carnivorous diets is what has allowed cats to exist for thousands of years--the pet food industry is what is killing lots of pets and not just because of contamination but the fact that the food is made with profit in mind rather that the best interest of felines. Join our group:http://pets. groups. yahoo. com/group/rawca…


This Nu-Cat liquid vitamin supplement has lots of vitamins that are beneficial to your cat-taurine included. Check it out. http://www. healthypets. com/nulibyve40se.…You can also get taurine tabs for cats. http://www. nationalpetpharmacy. com/store…


You can get one of a variety of nutrient dietary vitamin and mineral supplements from your petshop. Look for one with the right amounts of what youre looking for in it. hen choose what format you want, ie tablet, liquid, etc.


Heres a link to a good health and vitamins site for animalshttp://www. petcarerx. comand a book that I bought on natural health for cats and dogs that I found informativehttp://www. petcarenaturally. com/book_hea…