Should i give a stray cat some of my cats food?


I always see it at the same time every day by my house. It is super shy and runs whenever it see people. Its White with Orange spots. Should i put out a bowl of my Siames cats food. He eats Deli-Cat. It is not diet food or anything like that it is normal cat food.


Its not a stray. Its feral. If its a male, you might not want to encourage it to come back. It will eventually fight with your house kitty. The feral cat can also be carrying disease or mites. The feral cat WILL have fleas. You may not want your house kitty getting mites or some of the diseases. My dad doesnt like it when the cats have fleas, because fleas can bite people too. Feed the feral cat only if you want to encourage it to stick around. Leave a water dish outside all the time, but carry the food dish out and bring it back in when empty. Put the food down, then sit down at a distance from the food. Try to get the cat used to your presence. Eventually, you can have the cat eat while youre sitting right next to it. Some feral cats will become tame, and some wont. Wear gloves if youre going to try to touch it -- a feral cat may slap your hand, and if the claws are even slightly out, youll get scratched. Been there, done that. My feral cat would eat on the porch while I was sitting right next to the dish, but she wouldnt let me touch her. Unfortunately, she got eaten by coyotes before she became any tamer than that.


Well i think you should that would be nice but it might stay your outside cat if you feed it because it will keep coming back for more food


Its a good thing to do to keep an outdoor cat healthy. They dont often get regular food on a steady basis, so it will help him. Put out a bowl of water too, they can sue that as well.


I think it would be really nice if you did. Once you start feeding it, it will probably open up to you. Just one thing though, if you start feeding it, it will come to you expecting food everyday. But if you fed it you would be doing something really nice. :D


You can, but expect to have a stray cat being around your house a LOT!


If your able to keep another cat I would keep food out because if you keep feeding it it might never leave, but if you cant keep it that doesnt mean you cant stop feeding it. Just put the food farther and farther away from your house every day and soon it will leave you alone.


You can do whatever you want with your catfood..if you feed it to a stray though you should be prepared to see a lot more of that cat and honestly when you have stray cats running around your yard it seems kind of dirty. Since you obviously care for that animal i think you should adopt it, think of how cold it will be for him this winter if he doesnt have a warm place to sleep.


You can do that if you want, because I imagine that the cat just wants a home, but be aware that once you start to feed it, itll keep on returning to your house for more food. But, if you did that, it would be really nice! Maybe you should try and find out if it belongs to someone. Good Luck.


In my opinion, it could be either a stray or feral. My cat for example is not feral but very shy of most humans. The best thing for the cat (stray or feral) would be to catch it (using a humane trap) and taking it to a local shelter. you could feed it if you like but it probably will be back often and its not necessarily the best thing for it.


If your going to go that far as to feed and encourage it to come back you may as well take it in which would also be nice and very helpful. :) im SURE the kitty would appriciate it and if you have any kids... Xmas is coming up and kids love kitty and puppies... ect ect. So if you consider it keep feeding and try to find the time it comes around for food and try petting it and talking to it and train it to reconize your vioce and trust you then it would be alot easyer to take it in. as it would feel more comfortable.


When I was a kid, one of the jobs I had was to feed the cats. I usually fed them outside when the weather was nice and took the bowls inside after they were done. One day, I saw an orange cat sneaking over to one of the bowls. They were all empty so I took some food over to one and filled it. The cat was scared of me so it took off. After a day or two, I noticed the cat would appear under some bushes at around the same time that I fed our other cats. I started taking a bowl of food over to the cat. At first, he would run away when I walked over to where he was and then come out to eat when I was gone. After a while, he would stay when I brought the food over. Eventually, he let me pet him and even pick him up. He ended up staying with us for the rest of his life. The interesting thing about this cat was he didnt really seem like a feral cat that never had any contact with people. We guessed that he had once been someones pet but had either run away or been dumped. The fact that he became used to being around people so quickly seemed to bear this out. Ive never seen a truly feral cat act this way.


Feed the cat if you want to. But If the cat can be tamed, taken to the vet or brought inside in time shy cats can be made to trust people if given the time and attention. do so, because feeding it only adds to the over population of cats if it is unfixed. I was told if you feed a cat that clearly does not have a home, it becomes your responsibility if you do indeed start feeding it. owner of two once feral cats and two abandoned cats. If all else fails try calling a rescue organization. I would not call the pound because they would probably put it down as being not adoptable. That is why I have two once feral cats.


What the hell is matnece? You wrote it in an answer. Do you not know how to spell?