Ok what is the best way to stop a cat from constantly begging for food?


My 11 year old male cat gets a 6 ounce can of cat food 1/2 in morning the other half in the early evening he pesters me starting early in the evening and doesent stop until he gets a snack at night. He bugs me when I go to bed by getting right where I want to sleep and licking my face, its getting pretty annoying. Help


Hi there...your kitty has been conditioned to get his way when you give into his whims. Therefore, its important to not reward this behaviour if you prefer he waits for his meal. Serve the evening meal just before your bedtime because a full tummy has a sedating effect for most cats. Consider offering some small cat treats which are not high in calories such as Bonito Fish Flakes http://www. thecatconnection. com/page/TCC… .


Load the toy ball up with catnip


Please tell her its not good for her healthy.............


Why dont you leave some dry cat food out for him to snack on? we keep a bowl next to the water dish with dry food in it so its available whenever they want it


My 10 year old tomcat will do the same thing to my wife but not to me, I think that it is part habit and knowing witch member of the house hold will most likely to give him some food. Then I also know that this could be a sign of the cat having tapeworms. Mine is an indoor/outdoor cat and that has happened before. A simple trip to the vet will fix that


I know the feeling. Shut the bedroom door so he doesnot sleep near you. No easy answer.


To be truthful i have no idea, my 2 year old cat wakes me up as early as 3:00am but goes out at night. please tell me when you find the answer,


Water cannon...get a small spray bottle, make sure its clean, fill it with plain water. every time kitty jumps up to beg, or shows some other uh, undesirable, behavior...spray him in the face with a light mist...get a small bottle from walmart or a beauty supply store...carry it with you around the house...useful especially at the table or sitting in bed when kitty jumps up...try it and see.


Keep dry food --science diet for mature kitties - in an auto feeder for him to snack on--the dry food is good for his teeth and will give him a way to get what he wants without harrassing you --may even sleep better!