Is it safe or ok to use a dish dry cat food was previously stored in?


I have a tupperware bowl that I used to keep my cats dry food in and I wnt to use it for something else is it safe?


The plastic will absorb cat food odors, and those could be transferred to any food that is put into the bowl. So from a safety issue, there will be none. But from a taste standpoint, a lot will depend on what food is put into the Tupperware container.


As long as you wash it thoroughly with dishsoap and water beforehand and you dont have a problem with its previous use, I dont see why not.


It depends. If youre using it to feed a baby from or something, I wouldnt lol. Plastic tends to hold odors, but cat food is pretty safe so I dont think it would be an issue at all to use it for something else.


Of course, if you washed it first! :)


LOL, yes it is. You can even have a growing plant in one, dispose of the plant, wash the tupperware and its ok for food. Dont worry.


Its fine as long as she didnt use the restroom or get sick in it! Its just cat food.

