Is it ok to mix the dog food and the cat food and let them all eat out of one bowl?


I have 2 small dogs and 2 cats. You see, the dogs raid the cat food bowl and then eat their own food once the cats is all gone. I figure, why keep trying to discipline the dogs? Theyre pretty sneaky about it now, and im always having to give the cats more food. Is there anything wrong with dogs eating cat food, or cats eating dog food?


NO DONT DO THAT. the cat and dog have different nutritional requirements. just move the cat food higher so that the dog cant reach it. a cat wont eat dog food, and if you mix the food the cat will starve and die.


The dogs should really eat dog food. Cat food is very high in protein, and too much protein can cause problems in dogs over the long term. The cats would have trouble finding cat food amongst the dog food. They wouldnt be able to chew the bigger pieces of dog food and they wouldnt they like the taste. If I were you, Id feed everyone at the same time, 2 meals a day, and separate them into different rooms. Dont let them back out until they finish their dinner.


No problems! i have been doing that since the last 3,4 month, i have 2 dogs a cat and they are seem to be happy in sharing their food, no growling or smacking at all, i even left a surveillance camera running while i was away, check the tape later and everything was just fine. they didnt got in a fight or anting like that and their health is perfect.


Not a good idea - most dogs will eat all thats there - and cats like to eat during the day when they feel like it - and if you want your cat to have something to eat you may want to feed the separately - put the cats food in a different place if you can and feed the dogs outside if possible - you will need to stay on the dogs about eating the cats food - I had a dog that when I was feeding her I would set the food down and she would not touch it until I told her or walked out of the room - so you can train them not to eat


Nothing is too terribly wrong with that but yur pups may become over wight. Id just keep the cats food on a ledge or something of that extent so the puppies cant get to it as well. Most cats will only eat dog food if desperate. Its harder on their mouths and not very tasty to them.


Dogs and cats have different dietary needs not by much but still different. I would not suggest mixing their food. When we had cats we always either put the dogs and cats in separate rooms during feeding time. Or if we free fed them the cats food was up high enough the dogs couldnt reach it.


Cats would do Ok? but the cat food has such a high protein level your dogs would end up badly urinary tract infections over weight heart issues it wouldnt be good nor is it wise ask your vet they can tell you


NO!!!! its not ok it will kill your dog it will cause kidney failure my mohter is a vet i promoise you it will harm your dog NEVER FEED YOUDOG ANYTHING BUT DOG FOOD AND DOG TREATS


Its ok to me it wont hurt them but i would still separate it