How can i keep mine and my husbands dogs from eating up the cat food?


We feed the cats their cat food and the dogs their dog food but the dogs never touch the dog food and eat the cat food instead


Feed them in separate rooms, and do not free-feed. Put the cat food up, after the cats are done.


Start feeding the cat where the dog cant get to the food. A word of caution. Cat food is not good for a dog. It has way too much protien and can cause kidney problems.


Feed them at seperate tiems and keep the dog away from the cats when feeding them. My dog eats the cat food all the time. I feed the cats up stairs and the dog down. Every once in awhile the dog sneaks up stairs. They like the cat food cause it is different from their own...


A cat can smell there food from a mile away so just put it up on something where the dog cant reach it and then the cat can jump there and eat in peace. my sister had the same problem and she had to ut the cat food on top of the dresser so the dog couldnt get to it. or just make a schedule to feed your cat and set it out up high on something let her eat then put it away so that you dont have to keep it there all the time


Set the food up high like on a counter or on the dryer


Feed them at different times. when the cats are eating the dogs could be outside or doing something Else they do daily then do the same with the cats. you might even need a schedule because some cat food can be really bad for dogs.


Often the dog and cat food are the same ingredients with different lables. My dog eats cat food all of the time, and never gets sick! If you have more questions, you can viset your local vet. For all Im concerned, your dog is perfectly happy eating cat food, and there is no need to feed them seperatly. However, if you find your dogs behavior disturbing, then try feeding them is seperate rooms, and also at seperate times.


My dogs do the same.......


Keep the cat food and cat food bowls where the dog cant reach but the cat can (like on top of the dryer in the laundry room). That way the cat can eat when it needs to and the dog cant reach. Also, if the cat spills water it can be wiped up easily.


Put the cat out of reach. It has too much sugar and can cause serious joint damage just like horses. The dogs will eat their food when they figure out there is nothing else to eat. Cats will get used to another place, easily. Dont wait another minute. Do it, now.


Put the cat food out of the dogs reach, but where the cat can jump for it. Cat food causes panreatitis in dogs. Its very bad for them.


There is no way to really prevent it. The best you can do (as other have stated) is to move the cat food away from the dogs. If you allow your cats to be on the counters I would suggest there. If you dont I would suggest putting it in a room and having a baby gate up so the dogs cant go in. Lol, I have the same problem. I had to put the cat food on top of the washer and the litter up as well because...well, you can imagine what they eat out of there.


Either block the dog from getting in where all the cats eat or pick the cat food up when they are finished.


You can put the catfood in a room that is gated, or up on the kitchen counter, where the dogs cant get to it easily. Feed the dogs first, so that when you feed the cats, they are maybe not quite so inclined to bother with the catfood. Or feel them at the same time so that cats are eating while dogs are eating and hopefully both will be done at the same time :)


Are you offended by feeding you cat at the far end of your counter thats away from the stove? I know several people who do this and their able to free feed them this way. The person who mentioned about the cat food being bad for dogs is right, its especially bad for small breed dogs and their kidneys. The cat food contains taurine which is the problem with cat food for dogs. Dog food contains none, now its fine for cats to eat dog food with a suppliment. I have a cat that is allergic to the taurine and gets extremely ill if she eats cat food, but not with dog food. Shes been living this way for 4 yrs of her 9 yrs now and is very healthy and is followed closely by the vet to ensure theres no problems. She eats Purina Dog Chow only just like my dogs and no cat treats either, just dog treats. She got this way after having to have surgery from a dog attack after she snuck out of the house on us one day. The vet was feeding her cat food and was getting sick on everything they gave her, I mentioned she liked to nibble on the dog food, so they gave her some and the diarrhea and vomitting stopped. She has also gone from 14 pounds down to 8 pounds since her all dog food diet. We have 3 dogs that are always trying to steal the cats food too, (we have 14 cats) we feed the cats in the kitchen and the dogs in the dining room and free feed all of them. They all share the same gallon water bowl in the kitchen, but not in same area as the cats food. Were still training the puppy we took in that was abandoned in Jan., he will sneak a bite or 2 sometimes, only to be scolded. If my kitchen was large enough, Ive thought about putting up a small animal fence for ferrets or rabbits and placing the cats food in there, but my kitchen is too tiny. When I had kittens I used an old playpen to feed the kittens in and keep the older cats out away from their food. We fashioned a lid from boards and rabbit wire to keep the older cats from jumping and and it also kept all the dogs out. Now if I can only keep a few cats out of the goat and sheep feed (they love it).