What would be good to mix into cat food?


I have adopted a new cat that is stuck on dry food. In the past I have not seen cats benefit from dry food alone. They need something more, any suggestions? My other cats live on a diet of both dry and canned food.


Why not canned food? Most kibble addicts can be coaxed into eating canned food, if you are patient, persistent and use the right bribes. I wouldnt recommend mixing anything with the dry food OR getting it wet. Dry food isnt supposed to be wet and if you do, its going to turn into a bowl of bacteria within an hour or so. If you do try this, be sure to throw away anything that isnt eaten or youll have a sick cat. Here are my tips for getting junkies to eat canned food:1. Buy the best. See http://www. catinfo. org/commercialcannedf… for suggestions, and also see my blog on identifying good foods http://blog.360.yahoo. com/blog-ytgWjlI5e… Although you dont want to feed fishy foods more than 2-3 times per week (http://www. littlebigcat. com/index. php? ac… ), you might want to get a few. The stronger smell may be more appealing, and perhaps you could use it as a topping on other foods as well. 2. Buy as many varieties as you can. Get different brands and different flavors. Also try different textures - some prefer mushy food, others prefer ones that are chunkier. You just never know whats going to appeal to a cat.3. Offer a teaspoonful or so of the new food in a separate bowl at feeding time. Do this at every meal. The idea is that kitty will finally realize its food and will give it a shot. By offering just a small amount, youll avoid digestive upsets should he or she be willing to give it a try.4. If he tries any, note which brand/flavor it was. You may then want to focus on that brand or that flavor in other brands. But dont be fooled. The cat may eat it all up but then never want to eat it again. So before buying a case of a food that he seems to like, make sure hes going to continue going for it.5. You can try putting a smear of food on his nose or mouth. Thatll cause him to lick it. If he likes it, he may try more.6. Bribes. Crush some kibble and sprinkle it over the top. Try fish or liver flakes, parmesan cheese, a drop of soy sauce, meaty baby food (with no added onion or garlic), whatever it takes. CATNIP! If your cat doesnt seem to go for any of these bribes, try dried catnip flakes. Some have had success doing this. NOTE: You can also try mixing dry and wet together, but if you do you should not leave the mixture down for longer than 1/2 hour or so. The same is true if youre sprinkling the food with crushed kibble. Thats because when kibble gets wet it can turn into a bowl o bacteria. Its safe if eaten right away though.7. You can run the food (in a container of course) under hot or warm water or even nuke it for a few seconds to bring it to "mouse body temperature." This may also release the scent and that may draw the cat in.8. Dont try starving the cat into submission. That could ultimately be fatal. You may want to cut back a bit on the regular food so that hunger may encourage him to eat, but dont force the issue. As he starts eating more canned, you will decrease the amount of kibble hes getting. But just be sure that he gets enough to eat every day. Realize that you will waste food and money. Be patient and persistent. The results will be worth it!


Have you tried moistening the dry food, little by little? Once youve gotten them to eat the dry food at the same consistency as wet, you can begin to feed them wet food.-KittyMammahttp://KittyMamma. blogspot. com


I have several cats, all of which are on dry food only. Dry food is good for them, its good for their teeth, soft food can be really damaging and cause tooth decay. Soft food is good as a treat, but its best to to keep them on a good quality dry food. Avoid brands like special kitty or the cheep store brands, get something like Iam, Purina one, or Natural Balance, i guarantee thatll keep em healthy becuase its nutritionally what they need.


As long as you give the cat dried food that has the right balance of nutrients for it I cant see a problem...Nowadays there are plenty of dry foods for cats that will keep them healthy. Ask at your nearest pet shop and Im sure they will have some suggestions. Just make sure the cat has plenty of water, give it some cat milk once a day and it should be perfectly happy.


You can give it dry food. And for dinner give it wet food. Or you can add some water or milk to the dry food to moisten it. My cat likes fruit such as watermelon, and melon. Your cat may like it too. You can also add some chopped meat or fish to the food.


You could mix both dry and wet cat food or you could also give your cat tuna most cats love tuna


Dry food is much better for them than wet food, their teeth will stay healthier etc (I know its already been mentioned but its true!). If you do want to change the variety, give them some actual meat every now and then (liver, heart etc.). Canned food is so over-processed...


My kitty is 14 this summer and hes only ever had dry, wet is bad for their teeth, you pay for the water in the can and there is not a difference in the nut. value...they all have to meet certain standards.


I take alittle bit of can food and mix it up good with the dry food, I also always leave a bowl of dry food out, and with my 5 cats its all about the flavor they get for breakfast and dinner, try different flavors


I give mine both wet and dry food also. I always mix the canned food with warm water and stir it up. All 3 of my cats like it that way.


RuneAmoks answer is superb. I dont have much to add! There are some great tips on converting dry food addicts to wet/canned food here:http://www. catinfo. org/#Transitioning_Dr…Darksong~


OMG to the persons that said DRY food is good for a cats teeth... think about it... Is cereal and potato chips good for your teeth? Does chewing on doritos scrub tartar off your teeth? It is a MYTH that dry food is good for a cats teeth. Look at your cats teeth, they have sharp dagger teeth not flat wide surface teeth like humans... their teeth are meant for tearing into animal flesh not crunching on dry food. They also have rough tongues for scraping flesh off a bone. dry food is mostly grain... cats are not vegetarians! they are carnivores. And by the way nothing is more processed than dry food! Wet food is way less processed than dry, how do you imagine that they get meat and grain into a small round pellet that can sit on a shelf for 5 - 7 years?!Educate your self and save your cats life. check out http://cat-food-secrets. com