What kind of dry cat food cost about 3 dollars?


Well i ran out of dry cat food for my cat and i only have 3 dollars right now and i was wondering what kind of dry cat food is about 3 dollars?


1. The cheaper the cat food the worse it is for your cat and the more it will cost you in the long run with vet bills and complicated health problems. Cost is relative. Feeding a better quality food means your cat eats less and since it is more digestible your cat is absorbing more nutrition, producing less waste, and higher priced, but more nutritionally sound food is far more cost effective.2. It might be better for a cat to eat inferior and mediocre cat food instead of no food and starving, but if the food is so low quality, you really do end up starving your cat.3. BHA and BHT are cancer causing chemicals and you can often see this listed as one of the first four or five ingredients on dozens of cheap cat food products. BHA and BHT are cheap preservatives in some foods.4. Cheap cat food is not high in protein. Your cat may seem to like the cheap cat food just because they eat it and make frequent trips to their dry food bowl. But maybe when your cat keeps eating that cheap cat food it is because they are so darn hungry from not getting enough protein they keep going back to their only food bowl hoping to feed their hunger.5. Cheap cat food also makes your cat load up their kitty litter box. According to Care 4 Cats at http://www. care-4-cats. com/cat-food. htm"The very cheapest pet food has a lot of ash as a filler, and the animal has to eat a lot to get enough nutritive value, producing lots of excrement. Better to buy less of a more expensive brand and save on cat litter costs too!6. Cheap cat foods put extra fat into their foods so if cats have a nice shiny coat of the owners who are uneducated on ingredients are fooled into thinking their pet is healthy. Remember the old saying "Dont judge a book by its cover?" Dont judge your cat simply because the fur looks good. If they are not eating an adequate diet, eventually that good looking fur will stop looking good and get in sync with the look of their unhealthy insides.


Absolutely no brand costs that little. If you have that much money to put towards food, a very basic necessity, then how will you pay for other expenses? Litter, emergency vet care (heck, even routine vet care)?If you MUST randomly feed meat as suggested by another user, do not cook it. Cooked denatures a vital amino acid called taurine. Without taurine, a cat will suffer from blindness and cardiac problems. Before it was found that taurine needed to be added to cat food, many cats suffered and died. Raw meat has a higher amount of taurine. But you cannot feed solely raw muscle meat for long...they need other componets to make a healthy raw diet. Basically, a cat fed raw needs 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, 5% liver, and 5% some other secreting organ (kidney, spleen, green tripe) to be balanced and give a cat the nutrients they need.


The cheap crappy kind you should not even feed to STRAY cats! Boil up some plain chicken (breast) and shred it or cook up some hamburger and give it to the cat till you get some cat food.


If you need a temporary fix then buy a couple of cans. Even the small bags will cost more than that. But, if you cant afford long term care for your cat you need to give it away.


Dollar store kind. my grandmother buys it


You could buy a couple cans of canned cat food or canned tuna with 3 bucks.


Nothing. trying getting some chicken breast and feeding it, or some other meat. if you cant afford cat food at any time, you should not have a pet