What happens if you give a cat dog food?


My cat loves dog food better then cat food. He is always eating the dogs food over his own food! What is wrong with my crazy cat? So now I just give him dog food!


It would be much like feeding a baby with adult food. Although the baby wouldnt die his nutritional needs wouldnt likely be met. Cats and dogs each require a range of protein, fats, and carbohydrates to live. One website I read said this:Adult cats need 2-3 times more protein than dogs. Yet dry cat foods generally supply only about 1/3 more protein than dry dog foods—about 30-35% in dry cat food compared to 20-26% for the average dry dog food. Another website said this:"Cat and dog food is fairly different in many ways. Cats are obigate carnivores, meaning they have to eat meat and their diet should consist of mostly meat and a higher protein level. Dogs are omnivores and theri diet should consist of higher fiber than for cats. If a dog eats a lot of cat food, or exclusively cat food, they will be eatign far too much protein which canlead to indigestion and eventually kidney or liver damage. If a cat eats mostly dog food, they will not be getting the amino acid taurine - which comes from meat and is added in extra amounts to dry cat food. Taurine can be synthesized by dogs and humans from other amino acids, but cats cannot make this themselves and must get it from their diet. Dog foods do not have an adequate level of taurine so a cat on a dog food diet would gradually develop heart failure, blindness and muscle degradation. In summary, a cat can snack on dog food without real harm as long as they mostly eat their own cat food. Some cats with sensitive stomacks will vomit because of the high fiber content. A dog should not snack on cat food because the high protein and fat levels will upset the digestion of most dogs, and also dogs ten to walf down cat food rather than nibble a few kibbles (like the cats do with teh dog food) so they take in higher amounts. Its bestto place the cats food up somewhere high where the cats can jump up to eat but the dogs cant get to it!"I hope this helps answer your question.


Nothing Im sure he will be fine


In general, cats need more protein than dogs. That is the major difference between their foods. As long as you provide another source of protein for your cat in addition to the dog food, he should be fine.


My cat eats dog food and my dog eats cat food i have owned the cat for three years now and the dog i have owned for 9 years now. they are both heatlhy. thats fine. my uncles dog and cat both eat cat food.




It wont hurt him to eat dog food, but its always best to give him cat food. Essentially, they have pretty much the same thing as far as ingredients go. What if you mixed in a few dog food chunks with his cat food? Or, pick up your dogs food when hes done with it so your cat doesnt have access to it. Also what brands are you using? He may not like the taste of his food and you may want to consider trying a different brand thats tastier than what youre giving him now. You never know, he may then snub his nose at the dog food if you find something he likes better! :o) Good luck.


Cat will start wagging its tail..


Omg dont dog food is toxic to cats and will kill them stop feeding your cat dog food. if you cat eats the dogs food feed them in separate rooms and call the vet he might want you to put oil in the cats food the cat might not be able to proses the dog food


I have actually found in the past that when either a cat or dog eats the others food, it is generally not about the food itself. My dog used to always eat the cats food, just as a dominance thing. Ive never really heard of the cat taking the more dominant role, but I guess in the case of smaller dogs it can be possible. I would try seperating the eating times and places, and see how that affests things. Of course, it could really be that the cat just likes dog food.


Cats can eat dog food, but because cat food usually has more essential protein, its better for them. Its all right for the cat to eat some dog food, but it shouldnt be its only food. Try changing the brand of cat food, and make sure the cat eats some cat-formulated food every day. The dog food should just be an extra - its not as nourishing as cat food for a feline.


Thats fine, I live in the country and our cats dog eat the same food. every one is happy healthy.


There is not enough protein for cats in dog food. feed him only cat food. he will get sick eating dog food----its like junk food.


No, there should be no problem with giving your cat dog food. Cats are scavengers, they will eat just about anything. I used to "own" a lot of stray cats that lived in my backyard and we would feed them a mix of leftovers that included chicken, gravy, bread, milk, cheese, and things like that. I will tell you that they LOVED it! Cats will eat just about anything that isnt a vegetable, especially if it is soaked in some kind of gravy lol. As far as your cat eating dog food...I see no harm i it. It should have the same basic vitamins and nutrients that your cat needs. The only possible problem I see in it is that dog food is much more rich than cat food and your cat may gain weight. This happened to a friend of mines cat. She had a small Chihuahua puppy and gave her extra-rich puppy dog food to help her gain weight--but her cat would always get into the bag, and he got huge! If you have no problem with your cat possibly gaining a little weight, or if you are able to regulate the amount of dog food he eats, he should be fine. If your cat does appear to start gaining weight and you are unsure of the amounts of dog food you should feed him, you can talk to a vet about it.


Ur cat is going to turn into a dog


Cats and dogs have different dietary needs, hence the reason for dog food and cat food. Cats are true carnivores and need higher protein than dogs who are true omnivores. Taurine is an essential amino acid that is crucial for a cats health and is only found in animal tissue. Vitamin A and arachidonic acid are two more major differences in dietary needs. With you cat eating the dog food, he is not getting the required protein, taurine, vitamin A and arachidonic acid. Lacking of these can cause many health issues, i. e. heart problems, blindness, and respiratory problems. If he eats a few occasional kibbles, this wont hurt him, but dont let him solely eat the dog food. If he isnt happy with his cat food, it might be time to find a more tasty food for him. Preferably one without BHT, BHA preservatives and no by-products.


Dont do this; he wont get the proper nutrition. Feed the dog and cat separately.


Assuming theyll eat it, theyll probably get full.2 things. Cats require more protein than dogs, and you want to make sure that your cat is getting a substance called taurine which is essential for good health in our feline friends. A good dry food will meet that need. If your cat starts barking Id cut back a little on the dog food, but other than that, your kitty will be fine.


My cat (from childhood) did the same thing, and eventually, her protein levels got messed up or something. Her kidneys failed, and she passed away. Poor Lilly... I miss her.


Commercial dog food does not contain taurine which is essential to your cat. Without it he can develop heart disease and/or go blind. So he MUST have cat food with the taurine added to it. Dogs can make taurine in their bodies and do not need it in their food - cats cannot. Dog food does not contain as much protein as cat food and that is not as serious for the cat as lack of taurine.


Your cat will not get enough protein or taurine in its dietalso, if the dog food includes certain veggies, it could be bad for your cat.


One of my cats loves the dog food and is always eating what the dog leaves. Usually its not a problem, especially if hes not eating it a lot, or a lot of it. However, most dog food is not as refined as cat food and can be harsh on their stomachs. Plus, if he got ahold of a bad chunk, it could make him sick. Try to get him on a really good cat food like Iams or Science Diet, but whatever you do, get him back on the cat food!