How soon should i start the transistion from kitten food to cat food?


I have a 11 month old kitten and i was wondering when we should start switching her over to cat food? and also how long will it take before she is only on adult cat food?


I read up on this a year or so ago when my little kitten was growing up into a big girl. What I finally decided to do, based on advice from my vet and advice from various cat food sites, was start transitioning her from kitten food to cat food on her first birthday. I didnt switch her food cold turkey, though. I heard that that wasnt really good for her - that it could lead to some digestive problems while she adjusted. I mixed the kitten food and adult food in various increments until shes was on straight adult food. I tried to keep it to about 75% kitten to 25% adult for the first week or so, then 50-50 the next week, then 25-75 the week after, then on to straight adult food. That might have been over-cautious, but she didnt have any problems with it and shes been very happy with her adult cat food. Hope this helps! Good luck!


I have an 11 month old kitten as well. I have been feeding him adult cat food (for cat +1 years) for about 3 months. I talked to the vet because he didnt want the kitten variety (I feed him Iams) anymore. He said it was safe to switch him over to adult food if I wanted to.


You could switch now if you want to there only supposed to have kitten food for a year or less. When you switch do it slowly, mix it with his other food (at first mostly the kitten food and then slowly mix more of the regular cat food) this will make sure he dosent have any stomach aches or have any other problems with the swithch


The best thing to do is to ask your vet. Normally its at one year.