How do i start kittens out eating regular cat food?


I bought this "2nd Step" KMR weaning powder to mix with water like the guys at PetCo said I should do. Well the kittens arent big fans of it to say the least. Should I mix the powder with water and regular cat food and blend it? Their mother, Poptart, has been exhausted and Id really like to start the kittens on their own diet. They are about 6 weeks old now.


Generally kittens begin to sniff out adult food at 7 weeks. They may try sooner or later, but 7 to 8 weeks is when it is experimented. A kitten formula is ok or even an adult food is fine as long as it is not a dietary formula they need their nutrition. If they try to eat hardfood just monitor them.


Well, the kittens should already be on a helthy dry food diet. You need to but kitten chow, and put it in a bowl next to where they normally sleep. Put warm water in the bowl to soften the food, and keep Poptart away from the kittens for a while. She needs to rest. The kittens will get the hang of it. Its just natural.


My kittens are 8 weeks old now and 4 out of 5 so far have gone to great new homes ( hopfully i will keep the last one :) ) I started them on kitten food around 5 weeks old. Firstly I bought kitten food, i got a small amount on the end of a tea spoon and just waved it under the nose of the kittens and withing a couple of seconds they were chomping it down. They didnt eat much or they would loose intrest, i would do it a couple times a day and they may of eaten a tea spoon each at a time. Over the next week i started putting in on a saucer with some bought kitten milk poured over the top. They loved it! I heated it up in mircowave as well otherwise they shiver while they eat lol. At around 6 and a half / seven they were eating 3 times a day of the kitten food plus kitten crunchies as well. Somtimes they would get some fresh prime mince as well, they love mince. They are now eight weekes old and arnt even intrested in mommys milk any more. I hope this helps..


At six weeks, its safe to start them on wet food, or dry kitten food mixed with warm water.


Welcome to the real world, Josh. I went through this a few months ago. How I did it was to first make the milk mix up, then I would dip some of the dry food in it to get their attention. They will be slow to this, but it will eventually work.. Also, always keep dry food out for them to experiment with. And, with all dry food, provide plenty of water for them to drink. I personally think that KMR second step is a waste of money, as all it did for me was to make them throw up.. but I didnt follow the directions. ;) Dont laugh, but I actually got down on my knees and pretended to eat the food in an attempt to show them how to eat and well, they took an interest in it and started eating it.