How To Find The Purrfect Kitten or Cat

So you've made the decision to add a new feline to the family. That's great news, but there is homework to do and questions to answer such as:

(1) Do you want a mature cat or a kitten?
(2) Where is the best place to get a cat or kitten?
(3) Do you want a mixed breed or purebred? and
(4) If you want a purebred, where do you find a respectable and caring breeder?

There are many places to find that perfect kitten for your family. First on the list is contacting a family member, neighbor or friend who owns a cat that has just given birth to a litter. This is actually a very good choice in most cases because you will see the mother, you can find out about any health issues the mother or kittens may have had, and if you are early, you will have many kittens to choose from. Just be careful because you may come home with more bundles of fur than you planned on.

The second option is to go to a shelter or cat rescue to find your newest family member. Most shelters are overrun with unwanted kittens in the springtime and what could be better than giving an adorable bundle of fur a loving home. Most modern shelters provide dedicated space so that you and your family can spend time interacting with a particular cat or kitten on a one-on-one basis, allowing you time to get a real sense of the kitten's or cat's personality to see if he or she would be a good "fit" for your family. Another perk of acquiring a pet from a shelter is that the pet typically will be spayed or neutered and up-to-date on vaccinations, making vet bills in the immediate future less likely.

Buying from a stranger is another option, but not the best one. Although giving a kitten or any animal a good home is always a wonderful thing to do, some of the issues involved in getting a kitten from an advertisement in the newspaper, or from a litter being given away in front of the grocery store or the side of the road are that you have no firsthand knowledge of the mother's health history or the kitten's health history. You may not even be told the kitten's true age. And let's face it, folks who are trying to give away kittens in front of a grocery store are generally not taking responsibility for their pet's well-being to begin with. So, unfortunately, in the case of buying from a stranger, it's Buyer Beware.

Buying a kitten from the pet store is another option. Who has not walked by a pet storefront window, seen a litter of adorable kittens and just had to go inside? We do not want to cast aspersions with regard to pet stores because, in fact, most big box pet stores are generous in allowing shelters and rescue operations space in order to show and adopt out animals to customers. But the fact is, pet stores are a business and owners of pet stores are not unlike any other retailer in that they are in business to make money. The lower the cost of their inventory (animals), the greater their profit potential; therefore, the owner searches out the lowest cost provider of the merchandise he sells. Unfortunately, this usually means, in many cases, that they are either knowingly or unknowingly buying from kitten mills or puppy farms. To any animal lover this is a despicable and unconscionable way to treat any animal. The Internet is a great way to research and get feedback from others who may have adopted an animal from a particular pet store.

If you have already determined you want a purebred cat, and know the breed of cat you would like, or if you have several breeds that you are leaning toward, you will need the services of an experienced and caring breeder. This is especially true if you have aspirations of breeding felines in the future. Finding a respectable breeder is much like finding anything else that is important to you - it involves a thorough search. Family, friends with cats like the one you desire, and, of course, the Internet, are all good places to look, but we have found that the best way to learn about the particular breed you want is to attend cat shows. Not only will you be amazed at all the different breeds of cat, some which you may never have heard or thought of before, but you will see the owners and breeders in action as they prepare to show their animal. You will see for yourself how the breeders treat their cats. In talking with them, you will discover if the breeder has a passion for the breed or is simply trying to make a buck. Some breeders/owners may only have one or two cats but the love they show their animals is undeniable. Others may have 6-10 cats and be very efficient and no-nonsense because showing cats is their business and their livelihood. Careful observation reveals how much they truly care about their cats. When not in "show mode," a good breeder will be very open to answer any questions concerning the breed including potential health problems that may be inherent in the breed, such as breathing or eye problems, temperament of the breed, whether they are good with kids or not, and any other questions you might think to ask. A successful breeder's business lives and dies on their reputation. Nothing travels as fast as bad news, especially with the Internet, Facebook and other forms of social media. So the breeder has a vested interest in making sure the kittens/cats he or she sells are of the highest quality, well cared for and healthy, and are a good fit for the family.

Also, any respectable breeder will also be evaluating you while you are evaluating them. Do not take this personally. They will also make sure you understand everything involved with the breed you want to obtain. The breeder may ask you about other pets you may have, whether the cat will live indoors, outdoors or both. They will ask about children in the home, their ages and who will be the primary caregiver for the kitten. Their goal is to determine if you would be an acceptable owner and to ensure that the new kitten will not be left to fend for itself or overrun by unsupervised children. The breeder will want to make sure that the new kitten and family are a good fit. They want to be sure that you will care for the kitten and treat the animal with love and affection, not just while she's a kitten, but once your cat matures. A reputable breeder will insist on taking the kitten or cat back if you are unable to care for it, or if the kitten becomes unexpectedly ill. The breeder also wants to be sure that if you do elect to breed your cat once she matures, that you will honor any agreements set forth by the breeder at the time of the purchase. One reason is that the breeder does not want to dilute the quality of the breed by selling their kittens to some unscrupulous kitten-mill-type person.

The main message here is to do your research so that you can work with only reputable breeders who will help you pick the breed of cat best suited for your family.

Travis and Diane Medley own and operate and sell many types of cat trees, cat towers, cat condos, scratching posts and cat furniture. If you adopt a kitten or cat from a shelter or cat rescue will donate an amount equal to 5% of the purchase price including shipping to the shelter of your choice.

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Different Kitten Toys for Different Kitten Traits

Isn't it amazing to see your lovely cats playing happily? Isn't it nice to bond with them while you're on a vacation or off from work? I say so! Cats are playful animals. They easily get bored when they do nothing. They obliterate furniture and your important stuff when they can't see anything to play with. This kind of incident normally happens to a house cat. To make you at ease and your cats happy, you have to buy them kitten toys. With the help of World Wide Web, you will discover varieties of toys for your kittens.

Since cats get easily bored, you have to apply the rotation toy technique. This is the secret of a happy cat. Cats are intelligent animals; they can easily recognize old toys and new toys. In order to make your cat be amused with those toys, you have to introduce them to new toys and new techniques of playing the toys, if you will still give them the old one. Toy mice, crinkly balls, springy shapes and balls with bells are toys that are suitable for cats who love to chase stuff around. This type of cat is also referred to as "hockey cats" since they are like those hockey balls that goes anywhere. They love to roam around and do lots of action too.

Another type of cat that plays a new type of toys is the "ninja cat". They are those cats who love to hunt for anything. Like ninjas, this type of cat loves to track, hound and ensnare their prey. Cat dancers, fishing pole arrangements with a toy on the end are the type of toys that are very suitable for them.

One toy that is suitable for playful cat is called the "wand toy". Your cat needs you with this type of toy. It is perfect when you have nothing to do and you just want to play with your cat. It's good to play this kind of toy before your cat sleeps, to disperse their energy before sleeping.

A cat that wants to see little changes is called "study cats". This type of cat loves to play stuffs that are located in a certain place. You may give them sealed toys floating in water, beads on wires or abacus beads. This kind of activity for cats enhances their way of thinking too and develops their mental activity.

The truth is there are several toys that your cats can play on. Whatever toys you'll give, they will surely enjoy them. Just make sure to keep track of those toys that your cats love to play on. Since cats are playful animals, you also have to consider playing with them. Don't let your cats get bored; make them happy by giving them kitten toys.

Luis Cameron is a pet lover and a writer at the same time. His love and passion for pets incomparable which coaxed him to share his knowledge to the world about little things that people can give their pets. Cat and Dog Supplies carries almost everything that a pet needs. They have grooming tools, harness, treats, beds, kitten toys and many more. Visit for more exciting and fun stuff for your cats and dogs.

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Abused Cats - What You Should Know About Them

Have you seen a cat limping, scorched or severely maimed? It is a sad thing to learn that there are abused cats out there. Cats that were abused physically need a bit of time before they can respond to a physical human touch or call. Eventually, they will react positively to the kindness that you show. However, the situation is different if the damage occurred internally or emotionally. This is harder to solve.

If your cat has been abused emotionally, the waiting time for it to respond to any call or affection may take longer than if the damage was only physical. You have to prolong your patience because the cat is still confused. It may be hesitant because it does not know whether you will hurt it or not. Fear is still in its system. What you have to do is to allay its feelings by being extra gentle and not forcing it to come to you. When you do this, it may start to come a bit closer to you and sniff you. Let it do this. Then after a while, slowly and gently pet it. In due course, it will realize that you are not someone that it should fear and will come to trust you.

Refrain from shouting or using disciplinary tools like water guns and flyswatters on the cat. It will only further the trauma. If the cat becomes mean, it may just be being defensive. In fact, the cat turning mean may not be a bad thing because it still gives a form of response to you. What is worse is if your cat has become lethargic.

If a cat has been abused and it refuses to respond to anything you do, it will not play, nor accept treats, then the cat is lethargic. To reach out to this kind of cat, you have to bring in another cat as its companion. Eventually, the lethargic cat will want attention. If it does this, you should pet it gently and speak softly to it. Assure it that it is behaving much better.

Using slow, gentle movements is best for a lethargic cat because he is still in a trauma. Once it comes to you and allows you to touch it, it means it is starting to recover from its trauma. It may take a bit of time for it to recover. This is normal in this kind of situation. Just give it some time. If it receives crude treatment such as hearing raised voices, the cat will become upset and might hide once more. If you treat the abused cat properly, it will get past its lethargy. You should get ready for a long healing time though as lethargic cats are not that easy to heal. Their problem is from within due to the trauma caused by the abuse.

In contrast to the lethargic cats, the mean cats simply scamper away from a person. Never use strict discipline on mean cats as they will only get angrier. Do not make them feel trapped because they will react negatively. Coax it gently to come to you. Take time to persuade it to come to you. In time, it will calm down and go to you.

Cats too can be subject of abuse. It is a sad thing that something brutal happens to innocent cats. If a cat does something to annoy you, remember that sometimes it only happens because it was in the cat's instinct to do so. Sometimes the annoying things that a cat does is also a product of wrong disciplinary actions made by the owner. If a cat does something to infuriate you, think twice or thrice about what to do about the situation. Do not resort to violence right away.

Ampie loves cats and adopted a couple of strays, one of which was an abused cat. She found an ebook about the the best cat tree plans and had fun when she tried to build a cat tree for her kitties.

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Maggie's Loss - The Grieving Pet

Some cats do very well as being an only cat. Suddenly, Minnie our oldest Siamese got very sick and died of kidney failure in 4 days. On January 9th she was fine and by January 13th she was gone. We had taken her to the vet on January 10th and she never returned home alive.

Although, Minnie was a much smaller cat than Maggie, she did rule. There were times that they would have smacking matches and fur would be flying. But Siamese do love cat companionship and it became very apparent as time went along.

We all missed Minnie and we had pretty much settled in with the thought at least for now, to be a one cat family.

Maggie cried and cried looking for Minnie. We would do our out most to comfort her. Picked her up and gave her lots and lots of loving, petting and hugging. She had not spent a lot of time with my husband and was pretty much my cat.

The interesting part about it was that it must not have been Maggie's choice to be aloof with my husband. Now that Minnie was gone, she seemed to be more relaxed and actually enjoyed the attention from him. (Three years later she has become a Velcro cat to him.) So, we figured in cat language she must have been told by Minnie to stay away from my husband.

With all this extra attention, we figured Maggie would settle into this new position of being number one and only cat and thoroughly enjoy her new status. But this would not be the case.

She would cry and cry, we would call her to us and she would settle down. But still a month later and now we were getting very worried, she was losing weight. It was really getting very noticeable and it was now coming to the point that we worried for her health, we did not want to lose another cat.

It was now towards the end of February, not a great time for acquiring a kitten! I called the breeder from whom I had bought Minnie and Maggie, to see if she had any female kittens. She had none, but she did have a 2 year-old. We were desperate for Maggie's sake, so we took a drive to check out her possible new roommate. We were pleasantly surprised, as she looked so much like the cat we just lost. But, that was about where the similarity ended. (But that is another story!)

Of course, Maggie wasn't fooled by the imposter! Molly, the new cat was not at all happy with the situation and did not take a liking to any of us. But, her presence did get Maggie's attention and seem to stop the crying. Now it was, hiss, hiss, hiss and sometimes a low growl.

It took awhile for Molly to adjust, but soon her best friend in the house was Maggie! She definitely was aware and respected that Maggie was top cat. Mission accomplished and now Maggie was putting her weight back on. She kind of now had the best of both worlds. She had a cat of her own and all the people in the house to herself!

Mary Jean Stephenson invites you to visit us and learn more about cats and some interesting articles about them.

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Mary Jean Stephenson - EzineArticles Expert Author

How to Determine That Your Cat Has an Allergy

I love my cats and want the best for them. That is why I keep a close eye on them. I know that cats are good at hiding things and I think they know somehow that I know this and that is why I do it.

I determine what my cats have allergies to by a couple or more reactions: I feed them different food for a week. I then watch very closely to see if they have a reaction to it; if they do then I read the label and what the ingredients are and the next day I read the ingredients on the new food and if none of that food has the ingredients the food from the other day had, I feed this new food to them. I do this for a week with the wet food and the following week for the dry food and monitor it very closely for all the cats. The above system works very well for one cat but it does take longer for 4 cats for signs to show up.

I do it a little differently for outside irritants. The cats are on a leash when they go outside and I go with them. This way I can watch what they get into, where they go and make sure they are not bothered by chemicals that people spray on weeds or those pretty yellow flowers. If there is any breaking out from outdoor pollutants on there legs or other body parts, they are taken to the vet for steroid shots. If they have ingested anything while outside I also check that in case they would get sick from it and throw up of have respiratory or breathing problems from it.

One cat I had named Tuffy was a very healthy cat and lived with me for 20 1/2 years. He was very good at hiding his signs of allergies. This happened to him the last 6 months of his life. He developed an allergy to grass. He loved to go outside and make sure that there were no cats on his yard as he was very possessive and wanted no cats there. The yard was fenced in so the cats that got in the yard had to jump over a fence. I had Tuffy on a leash so that he couldn't stray off the yard and usually I was out there with him, but one time the phone rang; I ran inside to answer it and when I went out he had gotten a bad scratch on his left eye from another cat. I took him to the vet and he had to have an antibiotic as well as some eye cream. I don't know if that started the allergy to grass. He had to stay inside or when he came in his paws or where ever the grass had touched him developed into a rash and he would have had the spots raw from chewing on them.

As time went on I believe from not being able to go outside he developed depression plus his memory was getting bad. He would go over to his food dish at least 7 or 8 times and not eat anything and go back to his chair. I had the vet do a lot of tests on him and nothing would show up. I was lucky the vet was a "traveling vet" and would come to the house so I didn't have to take him to her office. I finally had to have him put to sleep as I couldn't stand to see him suffer anymore.

This still hurts me to write this even after 17 years and I feel sad even after that amount of time. I now have 4 cats. Two of them are getting old as they are sixteen and fourteen years old. I have a story to tell about all my cats and would love to do their stories.

I loved this cat very much. He was such a companion animal. I would lay on the couch and he would lay against my back with paws on couch and back against me. He stayed in the house with me when I was at work and home on weekends. He would greet me at the door when I came home and wanted to be picked up and he did this until he passed away.

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What Cat Food Is Better For Your Furry Pet?

The best cat food is the one meant for cats

That sentence might sound silly or even kind of stupid for you but not everybody thinks that way. Us human beings can surely survive even if we don't get the proper nutrients in the food we eat every day. We might go through life eating junk food or solely from one kind of food group and even though we won't die from starvation it might affect our health in the long run. Well, the same applies to our loved feline companions. Some people might feed them with plain cat food that doesn't contain many of the nutrients they need to be healthy or some people might even feed them with left over human's food. This of course is not good for them specially if you want them to live for as many years as possible. That is why you want to make sure you feed them with the best cat food.

Although I did some research on what the needs of cats are in order to grow healthy and live long, what you are about to read is not a scientific study whatsoever. After researching what is good for them I went to my local supermarket and compared all brands and their contents. There's a very good chance that the brands I chose will be available at your local Petsmart, Petco, Walmart, Target or wherever you do your pet shopping. I tried a lot of different brands and kinds before coming to a conclusion. Oh and in case you were wondering, I have 3 cats who gladly accepted taking part of this research.

Does the best cat food come bagged or canned?

There's always been a debate on whether the best cat food should be dry or wet. You might find lots of cat food reviews and some will go one way and others will go the other. A fact about cats is that they don't chew their food like humans do. They will only crush it a couple of times if it's solid and then swallow it right away. And if the food is wet or canned then they will just basically swallow it straight up. In my opinion, as long as they contain the necessary nutrients it doesn't matter it it's dry or wet. I find it might be slightly more expensive if you buy canned food but other than that they are very similar in nutritional content.

There are hundreds of different brands to choose from. Some products target age, if it's an indoor cat, if it's only a kitten or an adult cat. There are others that target specific health needs like hairball control, dental health, food allergies, healthy joints, weight control, sensitive stomach, urinary ailments and others.

In conclusion, there's not a best cat food brand or product in particular. There are brands like Eukanuba and By Nature that were a bit more expensive than the rest and that was because they come with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These are helpful for preventing kidney disease, allergies, high cholesterol or even arthritis. These fatty acids also help with developing your cat's shinny coat. Even though these aren't required by the AAFCO to meet standard on all products, it really boosts the food's nutritional value if they are included in it.

If your pet is an indoor cat, you should consider getting him indoor cat formula since they come with garden greens and wholesome grains that help control hairballs and also maintain a healthy weight.

In my particular case I find that the best cat food, or at least the one that convinced me the most from the ones I read about and that actually tried, is Purina ONE's Advanced Nutrition Hairball Formula. Since two of my cats are long haired they had hairball problems once in a while therefore I looked for something that would control this issue. After trying several brands, this one from Purine lowered the amount and the frequency my cats had hairball problems. It is also reasonable priced compared to other more expensive brands.

If price is not a problem for you then I recommend you Eukanuba Indoor Weight Control and Hairball Relief. I tried it once and seemed to work but it is a bit more pricey compared to Purina ONE's. I actually buy this one once in a while when my kitties get bored of the food so I try to give them some kind of variety. Eukanuba's also has the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that I mentioned before.

Not sure which brand to pick yet?

I understand it might seem difficult to pick one brand out of the many that are available from the pet aisle. If you decide to buy an expensive brand I can recommend you using cat food coupons if you want to save some money.

For more related information regarding the best cat food you can visit us by clicking on the link.

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An Honest Look at Cat Strollers

Cat Strollers

Cat strollers make it easy and convenient for owners to tote their pets around. They are perfect for going outdoors to places such as a park or a store to keep your pets contained from other pets or people. Though cats and dogs might have their similarities, there are some differences. In public, cats usually like to be independent and will most likely stray away from their owners to climb a tree or to explore. Dogs do the same thing but they can be trained a bit easier to stay nearby; therefore a cat stroller can be used to prevent your cat from straying or wondering off.

You see most people taking their dogs out for a walk and many of them don't get along very well with cats. Strollers are also a good way to keep your cat from getting into fighting matches with other peoples' pets.

Many cat strollers are alike for the most part with the way they are made, but different brands might have some unique features that others don't have. Most cat strollers include these features:

• Easy Fold
• Top, Front, and Rear Ventilation
• Zipper for putting pet in and taking him out
• Made of Nylon Material
• Protection from bugs and other pets
• Storage basket for toys, treats, etc.
• Drink Holder
• Brakes for back wheels
• Protective rain cover


The nylon mesh screens provide the ventilation that your pets need when you're out in public. Look for pet strollers that have ventilation on all sides of the stroller so that your pet can get plenty of air while riding inside.


The zipper(s) are usually connected to the outer edge of the mesh so that you can easily put your pets inside and take them out of the stroller.

Drink Holder

On hot summer days, the drink holder can come in handy to hold a nice cold drink for the owner. On cold days put your coffee cup in the holder for convenience and so that you can stay warm on your outdoor stroll.

Storage Basket

These baskets are usually located at the bottom underneath the cat stroller. There you can store toys, treats, or drinking canteens for your pets so that they can stay refreshed and happy while on the go.

Easy Fold

One hand folds are common, simple, and easy with pet strollers. Since pet strollers are usually smaller than a child stroller they are a lot easier to fold which saves time and leaves the owner stress free.

Safety Brakes

If a cat stroller does not have safety brakes then you shouldn't buy it! Safety brakes are important and can keep a number of accidents from occurring with their presence. These are usually located above the back wheels of the stroller and you just press them down with your foot to lock the stroller in place.

These features are the main and most important features that the pet strollers should include. Make sure that they are included when reading about a stroller that you plan to purchase for your cat.

To learn more specifically about cat strollers, visit

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John Razmus - EzineArticles Expert Author

Dog and cat food

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well soon im getting a dog and want to amuse the right one.Im alone 16 and doing my certificate 11 in animal studies so i understand a bit approximately dogs.Any more i own a cat so i understand how to attention for a pet as i buy all my vet price and aliment for my cat and always accord it the ace aliment :) Im not sure what breed of dog to amuse i understand the boxer has a abundance of Force and im good with that. What another breeds are great? and what should you food them?

is a boxer a great breed? what another breeds are great?

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random questions! amusing!!!?

My sister has a caviliar baron charles, however it turns its nose up at all altered varietys of dog aliment.The alone thing that he does eat is cat aliment, however that is alone very rare (a babyish bit every time or so).There is too a cat in the holsehold, so i guess its aloof copying her! Exceptionally as he sits at the back door miowing, and he lays on the back of the sofas as the cat does, Is this something to worry approximately, or can we abide to food him the aliment that is intended for cats? Human aliment is his favorite though, and we understand that overall that can definately accomplish him added harm than great. We are aloof so worried approximately him!! Any tips and help would be very even appreciated. Several thanks.

Is it safe to food a dog cat aliment?

Provided you are reading this thank you.Since i can remember, I own been absorbed by sealife and any more that I own developed great responsibility from other animals (one cat, one dog, and a 20 gallon freshwater tank with a abundance of smaller fish and crabs and snails) I really air ready to start my fantasy of owning and maintaining a small saltwater aquarium.Here is a file of things I would According to to comprehend.separately of direction, not all together unless that is safe for the fish oh yes, I must add that the animals charge to own enough space to Alive HEALTHY not own tons of free of charge swim space aloof enough to not be cramped or unhealthy since I can acquire rocks and such for them to adumbrate in or other things such as alive aliment or small jars for octopus to direct to amuse aliment.Too, I accomplish apologize for my misspellings I am approximately to mind over to my community petstore for tank estimate costs and im really rushed and aflame.Ok so here are the aquatic animals i would cherish to raise and let me again say that they are not all together I would take aloof one and attention for it specially until I could upgrade to encircling 75 gallons.Octopus, shark, seahorse, eel, starfish, stingray, and clownfish (to accumulate them corporation provided it wont reason harm to the clownfish or primary animal).Whichever one you own the most ability on is the one you should tell me approximately It needs to be reasonably priced too with price ESTIMATES.Please tell me what it needs to alive including tank size, other fish to accumulate it corporation, water tempurature, what it needs in the tank, how even I can expect to buy it, how even for the filter, heater, light, liverock, aliment, and ANYTHING else it needs please tell me where I can acquire it, what I charge to take attention of it, and how they are as pets.Please guys I am clueless right any more and want to alter to educated of taking attention of them I own already checked online and in books however they havent been specific great links would be abundantly appreciated not according to "" or something common please dont recommend a big bunch of starter fish that is a small purpose of the clownfish.I will accord ace return to whoever can tell me the most approximately the animal from the above file and which ones i can and slang own because sized tank too what the ace and smallest breeds of them would aloof write an return an tell me all of this that you can and I will accord you ace return and you can understand that you own helped a stranger in a lifelong fantasy I willl remember you thanks any return AT ALL would be abundantly appreciated

PLEASE Return I want to start a 10-20 gallon saltwater tank with exotic sealife?

she is an indoor alone cat.she has never been out.I own bathed her with and without feline flea shampoo.I own used front border(generic).I own a really great sargents flea spray and a cortizone spray I use afterward for the irritation that seems to work for approximately 2 wks or so, however what ever it jumps off on my dog & I own to treat him.It is the alone time he gets this itching.(unless her spray wears off, then they allowance him alone).there isn't fleas in my abode or on the dog usually.It is dead winter.She is too exhibiting very acutely fetish behaviour.she is urinating in weird places.she got in the bed, on top of my back 1 after dark and peed on me at 3:am, then took off running out.she crawled up under my stove, into my drawer and has been peeing in my pots and pans.I had not baked anything in a month or so & aloof noticed approximately 2 inches of urine in the drawer when I finally opened it.I kept noticing her wanting to amuse into my cabinets when I had them opened.I would throw her outside of them & she would amuse right back in, nearly in a hostile way.I thought that was weird.after investigating it too, she was getting into the back of the cabinet, peeing on top of my canned aliment.She has started tearing into the trash bags at after dark or when I am out, dragging trash around the abode.This cats diet is the same as it always has been.I use the same litter as always.I chicken feed her box every time or 2.she eats according to a babyish piggy, she is far from hungry.all of these obsesive compulsive, stron fettish according to behaviors started as continued as I own been fighting the strange fleas or what ever is eating her up and will not permenantly activity out with anything.they are babyish, continued, atramentous bugs.too encircling the time she has came int prime time heat spells for the 1st time in her activity.she too goes through days that she wants to put in her litter box.My husband thinks that the fetish behaviour could be from hormonal intellectual problems due to future into complete blown heat spells & the urine problems of peeing in strange places, then laying in it could be her way of trying to rid these strange bugs off her object.I own been able to rid them, however they won't die.they will activity over to the dog & return.they are on her alone.I am approximately to amuse rid of her provided I can't amuse all this to stop.she will indeed amuse down in a pocket textbook sitting in the floor, my grand daughters toy box, anything boxy, she will piss in.she got into the clost on a pile of soiled clothes and laid in there & would amuse beggarly provided you tried to amuse her outside and peed on herself & laid in it for 2 days.

I own a cat that is 2 1/2 yrs aged.she has got some affectionate of itching that is causing her to scratch bald spots?

Well I take two Allegory pill in the morning Allegera Generic brand, and Singular, And when I wake up in the morning sometimes I'm all blah, my eyes itch according to loopy, my face will itch according to loopy, my nose it's according to ahhh, I'm 24yrs aged, And I had a allegory test done a continued while back according to when I was according to 18yrs aged it said I'm allegoric to nearly everything not aliment that I understand of, aloof according to ragweed, trees, grass, cats, dogs, pollen, out stuff, And when me and my mom moved up to my sisters they own a cat and a dog, XD And since then I think my allegories own gotten worst we had a cat however I got used to her, however when they where poor today I had babyish bumps on my face that where itchy and my mind will air weird according to aloof weird activity in my face could all this be from the cats and dog? Aloof wondering, I abhorrence it, I can't wait for spring lol, XD Can Allergies too constitute you tired last?

Would you phone this severe allegories?

Ok so i own three dogs a 3 year aged Line Collie named Dusty, a Lab blend with Bay Retriever, and a 2 month aged Line Collie named Milo.Molly our Lab is OBSESSED with aliment.She will stop at annihilation to amuse aliment.When Molly was alone 6 months aged it was the second time we had her.I was in the second grade and probably weighed approximately 50 or 40 something pounds and she weighed already 100 pounds she's a Vast dog! Anyways she jumped up on me and squashed me i could hear my bones cracking it really aching! She snapped at the chocolate bar and ran off with it and ate it in a second.I was terrified she would amuse sick.When she was a year aged we had aloof gotten Dusty when she was approximately 3 months aged.Dusty was sleeping in the galley according to everyday and we put Molly's aliment dish down.Molly started eating it than turned and charged at Dusty who was still sleeping and she started snapping at her.My brother and me had to wrestle her to the ground.She's gotten into the dustbin, ate a whole bag of her dog aliment, ate two complete bags of cat aliment, ate rolls for a christmas dinner, ate a whole bunch of cookies that were on the counter, grabbed my sandwhich that was on the table when i was standing there and ate it, ate my aun'ts chihuahua's dog aliment, eaten Milo's bag of dog aliment, got into the closet and ate every single bone in a box, goes up to my Line Collies and takes their bones when there eating it, shoved Dusty outside of the way one time and ate Dusty's dinner, gotten into Milo's cage and ate his aliment, got into a easter basket that was on a tall shelf and tore it apart and ate everything, when we got into the galley she runs so quickly and she aloof knocks down anybody who is in her way which has happened to me plenty of times, attacked me one time and divide my skin and i bled alot since i had a ardent pocket and it fell and i went to amuse it to put in the trash and she aloof lunged at me, and so several added things.Please don't tell me that we allowance the aliment outside since we don't she finds a way to amuse into it.I really own came to the point of disliking her since of the way she acts.We own tried spraying her with water, shock collars, and lots added of stuff.She too hates getting up and playing she never wants to play it's according to she likes to be fat.So why the heck accomplish Labs eat so even? Following time my grandma wants to amuse a Lab i'm not letting her i don't want another Molly! And yes i accomplish realize other Labs cherish to play.

Why accomplish Labs eat so even?

I recently bought a pretty purplish dejected beta with silvery streaks in his fins.I own placed a water lily in one and am waiting for it to direct and take root.At present it aloof a tad below the surface of the water. I don't food him as generally as the aliment says to.Provided I accomplish, the water gets cloudy and has an abnormal smell.And he literally looks unhappy.I alone use bottled water as chlorine makes me sick too.It almost killed me when I was babyish so I understand it isn't great for anything that's alive. He is very smart, already knows he's getting fed when I rattle his fish aliment.Don't seem to according to the flakes I bought him to aid his common health and produce added fantastic colour.Provided I act my fingers near the tank, he swims to them, and since he sits above my Computer; he watches me off and on while he swims.I sure that once a week I will place a mirror near him so he can flair and accomplish his masculine territory thing with his reflection too. I guess it won't be continued until the lily will direct.It seems to act on its own nearly looks as provided it is pulsing.Though it could come from the ground shaking when weighty trucks pass here.Anyone understand how continued it takes a water lily to sprout and take root on the marbles on the tank floor? Provided anyone can accord me pointers on my fresh fish I'd sure acknowledge it.He is the alone alive pet I can own where I am living at at present.I cherish all sorts of animals.Horses, dogs, cats, birds, snakes, rabbits, fish, turtles and such. Provided I can acquisition say a half gallon square or oblong tank I plan to put in a "cavern" for him to adumbrate in provided he wants too.Right any more what I own is aloof ample enough for a affected water flower, the alive lily and him. However so far I aloof want to understand provided the bubble eyrie without a female is something the males accomplish from stress, or aloof the charge to constitute added Beta's.I am not planning on breeding any time in the near approaching.However would according to my pet fish to be as cheerful and healthy as possible.PLEASE wise cracks approximately fish mating will alone prove to me that you own less sense than my fish acquaintance. any information approximately how continued it takes a lily to put down roots etc.And any common information on Betas will be appreciated. Thanks for great answers.

Fresh Beta Owner Why is he manufacture bubble nests with no female to court? I own two tanks to constitute cleaning easier?

My cat follows me when I activity outside sometimes a continued way.However she always finds her way house.The thing that bothers me is her ordering me approximately.In the morning she licks my face as provided to say "Amuse up you apathetic bastard, I want my breakfast" Absolute being forbid provided I ever forget to food her.She will rub herself on my and paw at the cupboard where the aliment is kept.Too accumulate trying to eat my aliment.Why? I don't try to eat hers.

Why does my cat think she is a dog?

??????M??- Blooming apples or Cherries? Nutella or Peanut butter? Female Gaga or Justin Bieber? Chicken McNuggets or Ample Mac? Greenbay Packers or Steelers or neither? (as in who were they going for) Draughts or Chess? YOUR MOMMAS SO....jokes or Blonde Jokes? Pop or Rock? Monopoly or Activity? Couches or Chairs? Ardent weather or bloodless weather? Cherish or Abhorrence? *MMS* Who is your favourite appearance in your favourite textbook? What dinosaur is the ace dinosaur? What is the ace colour in the rainbow? How accomplish you according to aliment served? Separate or all together? Own you ever had a really ablaze coloured shoe and provided so what colour? What accomplish you want your schools mascot and colours to be? Provided you could be any wild animal in the world, what would you be? Provided you could alone eat one thing for the rest of your activity, what would you eat? How accomplish you according to your shoes tied? Knotted once or twice? What is the weirdest crayon colour agname you own ever heard? The grossest school lunch you own ever had? What is bigger: unicorns or dragons? What is the coolest t-shirt you own ever seen? Own you ever had a weather warning approximately something random? ?- accomplish you dress for consolation or style? what colour accomplish you think makes EVERYONE attending fat? whats the worst thing you ever saw somebody wear? whats the ace thing you saw somebody wear? whats your style? what style accomplish you abhorrence? how continued does it take to amuse dressed in the morning? whats your favourite outfit to wear? ¦ Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds own you ever seen/thought you saw a creature that you understand actually doesn't exist? favorite creature from a narrative textbook? provided you had to constitute your own creature, what animals would you combine, what would the animal attending according to, and what would you phone the species? you ever eat a crayon? don't you abhorrence it when you decide to use crayons, and after the aboriginal stroke you abhorrence how waxy it looks? would you be smart and insecure or apprenticed and own a aerial self-esteem? favorite affectionate of shoes? what shoe size are you? is your toe following to your thumb longer/shorter/the same length than your thumb? what's your style? favorite stores? accomplish you acquire what you according to or accomplish you shop according to price? favorite breed of dog/cat? favorite animal? what animal accomplish you attending most according to? what animal accomplish you fact according to? what's your hair divide according to? craziest thing you've ever done? what are you most talented at? what's your ace appropriate, physical or otherwise? what's the next thing that's pink to you right any more? what colour is your laptop? accomplish you ever activity to the bathroom at school/in public places? Chloboe- *Provided dragons could talk, accomplish you think their breath would be ardent? *Provided you could blend any two Crayola colours together to constitute another colour, which two colours would it be? *What accomplish you think causes you to prefer one thing over another? *How several of your shoes accomplish you alone wear to special occasions? *Accomplish you alone wear a sure sweater with a sure shirt? *What is your favourite animal and what is an service it has in this world? *Who accomplish you understand has dropped a pork cut into a pool? *Accomplish they come up with things to say? *Provided you re-named This or That, would you agname it Poor and Bigger or Great and Worse? *Accomplish you think its impartial that floods don't own a vast power on persons that alive on hills? *Accomplish the lunch ladies eat the aliment? ::::::::::::::::::::BONUS:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Any ideas for approaching surveys? Topic or questions. I will accord you credit!

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Boarding a Cat

Sometimes a cat owner will go on a business trip or a vacation. Depending on the length of the trip, there are alternatives for the care it besides boarding. One can take it with them in carrier or kennel. Depending on where someone is going, caring for a cat can require a lot of extra maintenance. It has been known for an owner to lose it when taking a trip. Sometimes it will get scared with its new surroundings and run away.

Unlike a dog, it requires less individual care and attention. If the time away is relatively short, using extended food and water feeders and an extra litter box will usually work. These feeders work well and it will be very comfortable until its owner returns.

Another alternative is a pet sitter. This is where a person will visit the house usually every day and make sure it is taken care of. This is solution is more appropriate for a dog because you do not have to let it out. In addition, the owner has to give access to the house to that person.

The above solutions do not require it to leave its home. Some circumstances require boarding. It can be boarded with other animals but a boarding service specializing in cats is best. The attendants are trained in taking care of it and can better understand its needs. It can experience stress being away from home especially if it is its first time.

It should be kept in an individual cage with a water bowl and litter box. The size of the cage will depend on the size of a cat but it should not be caged in cramp quarters. If more than one is to be boarded, they can be put in the same cage as long there is adequate room. If it gets along with other cats, a common area may be available for it to play.

Food can be provided by the boarder or an owner can furnish the food with instructions on feeding it. Any medications it is taking should also be provided by the owner. Boarders usually require it to have its vaccinations current and be free of parasites. Boarders may not board it if it is infected with certain diseases.

The cost of boarding depends on the type of care an owner desires. An owner should visit several boarding facilities before making a decision on where to board. Some facilities may require an owner to sign a liability release. Asking for references and checking with a veterinarian are good ways to verify it will be taken care of properly.

Frank Loethen lives with his wife and three cats, Sunny, Sinclair and Midnite, in Georgia. My wife and I recently added a new member to the house.a long haired chihuahua from a rescue shelter. If you enjoyed this article, please visit my cat products website,, your one stop site for all your cat and kitten needs. Cat food, cat toys, litter accessories and cat treats are among the many items on the site. You can also see my three cats and the chihuahua on the site.

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Frank Loethen - EzineArticles Expert Author

A Pet Fountain Primer

So, are you thinking about buying your first fountain or a replacement fountain? There are at least a dozen different pet fountains in stores or on the web. Here are some factors you might consider before you make a purchase so you know that you have made the best choice for you, your budget and your pet:

Types of bowls

Plastic: The cheapest bowls are made of plastic. The two major problems with a plastic bowl are (1) plastics are porous and therefore can leak toxic chemicals into the water and (2) bacteria can live in microscopic cracks which are nearly impossible to get clean without melting or dissolving the plastic.

Stainless Steel: There are thousands of different grades of stainless steel. The highest grades of stainless steel will not rust; however, a small percentage of pets will become allergic to the nickel and other metals which can result in acne around the mouth or nose. The highest grade of stainless steel is very expensive, so the lower grades are used and therefore usually rust within six months. Carefully read the warranty concerning rust before you buy.

Ceramic bowls: Fountains with ceramic bowls are usually the most expensive except for bowls made outside of the USA. As there are no regulations outside of the United States, it seems wise to establish the country of origin before you buy. Ceramic bowls made in the USA can be cleaned and sterilized with hot water, common cleaning chemicals or even in a microwave oven. Do not microwave a ceramic bowl that is not made in the USA as the foreign glaze often contains lead and we all know that putting metal in a microwave oven can be dangerous.

Size of bowl: Cats and dogs need 1 ounce of water per pound of weight per day. Accordingly, three cats weighing 12 pounds each should consume 36 ounces of water every day. The tricky part is that many small dogs and most cats do not want to put their head more than about 1" below the rim of the bowl so an automatic refill system is needed to overcome a pet's reluctance not to be able to see an approaching predator because the sides of the bowl would interfere with their field of vision. Not allowing for this survival instinct will limit how much a pet will drink. The rule of thumb is that a small dog or cat will not drink water if the water level is equal to or greater than the distance between the animal's nose and the bottom of their eye which is less than 1 Ѕ" for most cats. A cat will drink up to twice as much water when the water level is less than 1 Ѕ" below the rim of bowl. Test this concept with your own pet if it does not make sense to you. A comparison of available refill systems is discussed next.

Refill System: There are only two materials used to refill fountains. Plastic refill systems have the same drawbacks as plastic bowls in that plastic can release toxins and are very difficult to clean. Plastic refills also have been associated with water leaking onto the floor because of the construction of the refill especially designs that have seams or sharp angles.

The other available material is glass. Glass is extremely easy to clean and keep clean. One company has a refill system that uses repurposed glass vinegar bottles that can be purchased from any grocery store. The company supplies a patent pending spout to prevent water from overflowing.

Electrical Safety: It should not be surprising to anyone to know that all fountains need a source of electricity. Common sense tells us that water and electricity can be a lethal combination so only using pumps that have a grounded plug makes a fountain safe. A grounded plug has two blades and a third prong below the two blades. Another safety benefit of using a grounded plug is that a GFCI receptacle can be used and using a GFCI is the ultimate in safety.

Filters: There are two areas within a fountain where a filter can provide important benefits. All pumps need to have a filter to prevent debris from entering the pump and shortening the life of the pump. Unprotected pumps usually last about six months. The second area where a filter is very valuable is the use of an inline charcoal filter. Certified water-safe charcoal has been proven to remove, via absorption, all sorts of chemicals including chlorine, as well as fireproofing chemicals applied to many household products such as curtains, carpets and furniture. A recent series of tests was reported in an article titled "Toxic Pets" from the Environmental Working Group, How important is an inline filter? No car or airplane could operate without an inline fuel filter. One company actually infuses the carbon with nano-sized silver that eliminates algae, viruses and most all other microbes.

Water Temperature: It has been shown and common sense tells us that both animals and humans prefer cool drinking water. Research tells us that a temperature near 60°F will not only satisfy thirst but also increase water consumption in cats by as much as three times. Hundreds of cat parents have reported that their cats have stopped drinking from toilets and demanding cold tap water from a kitchen faucet if a fountain has chilled water. There is one company that provides a fountain having an automatic electronic chilling system.

Cost: Fountains can be purchased for as little as $25. These "starter fountains" offer the real advantage of seeing if a pet will actually drink from the fountain, if the pet parent can deal with the small vibration that occurs with all pumps and can the pet parent deal with the cleaning issues. Most pet parents discover within a month or two if a better fountain should be investigated or if a fountain requires too much time so investing the least amount of money initially makes a lot of sense. On the upper end, there are fountains that cost more than $200. These fountains have every medical, scientific and technical advantage available anywhere. Some veterinarians suggest a high-end fountain after a parent has tried a low-end fountain and offer some simple advice, "It's cheaper than one office visit".

Mold and Algae Control: Should you decide that an upper end fountain makes sense to you, get as much algae control as possible as chronic exposure to any antigen will stress the immune system. Recent evidence in the medical literature has shown that a weak immune system cannot successfully fight the viruses that have been associated with many life threatening and expensive diseases such as feline diabetes.

Barry is an award winning medical device inventor who holds dozens of foreign and US patents over the last 20+ years. Lately, Barry has been designing health related pet products that can benefit from his decades of experiences in microbiology, nutrition and pharmacology. Barry can be reached at

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Barry Farris - EzineArticles Expert Author

Automatic Litter Box Reviews - Benefits and Challenges of the Automatic Litter Box for Cats

What exactly are the benefits of owning an automatic litter box for cats? Many cat owners are not really familiar with the concept of owning one of these pet companion tools, and they are often left in the dark of what good can be had from owning an auto litter box for yours and your cat's benefit.

Yes, it's true, you can enjoy quite a good set of benefits if you own one of these things, but of course, these are balanced with some challenges or downsides. But for the most part, the upsides win over the battles as it is a known fact that cat maintenance can be quite difficult. An automatic litter box can give you exactly what you need to make your life easier and to make caring for your cat a lot more fulfilling and rewarding.

Benefits and Challenges of the Automatic Litter Box for Cats

The main benefit of owning auto litter box, of course, is the fact that it will do all the work for you. So many people complain of how difficult it is to look after a cat because they would then have to clean up after it, but with a cat box such as this one, this particular problem can be eliminated. You will be able to go in and out of your house and go about your tasks without worrying about whether or not the area is clean or is peppered with cat litter.

However, do not be fooled as there is also a challenged involved in owning an automatic box for cats. As these are run by various mechanisms that make the self-cleaning feature possible, jams and mechanical problems with the parts may cause an even bigger mess given the chance. An unexpected problem with the mechanisms may cause the cat box to create an even bigger problem than simply having to clean up after your cat.

Given all these, however, it is still highly recommended for every cat owner to get himself or herself a much-needed automatic cat box as it will help them look after their cats better without consuming as much time and effort. At the end of the day, the very purpose of the auto litter box is to make every cat owner's life easier-and with great maintenance and quality care, the cat box should be able to function properly and consistently without you losing any more sleep over cat litter maintenance and bad odor from stinky paddle of cat's urine.

Cat owners simply need to make sure that they are able to choose the best litter box from the lot for their cats. This means doing their own research and looking at different varieties and versions to find the one that is ideal for their cats. By knowing which elements to look for and which styles to prioritize, finding the best and most practical automatic litter box is a lot easier and simpler.

By far, which is the best automatic litter box for cats? Find out more in our last comparison and review analysis on auto little box. It's all here: Automatic Cat Litter Box Reviews

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Vet Products For Cats

They say that a dog is a man's best friend, but there are many among us who would contest that position and argue that it is not in fact the canine companions that are our best friends, but rather the feline variety. There are many things to love about cats - and this includes the fact that they are such a calming and relaxing influence, that they are so much easier to take care of than dogs, and that they are such beautiful and poised creatures. These are animals that will share a living space with you, but be happy to be take care of itself - until you get to the point where it's evening and you hear the calming purr of a cat rubbing up against your leg or curling up on your lap.

Thus it is also highly important that we take care to look after our cats and be able to provide them with everything they need - and that means making sure that you have plenty of cat vet products available that you can use to help your cat to deal with a vast range of diseases and condition.

There are many cat vet products that you might choose to purchase and these could include products such as anti-flea shampoos or worming tablets, general cat shampoos, collars and leads, or cones to stop your cat licking its wounds (literally). Things like cat worming tablets and shampoos are things that everyone should have for their cats and these will help you to keep your cat healthy and clean on a daily basis. Others you will need only at specific times - for instance something like a syringe you might find that you need to use to squirt saline solution into your cat's mouth if they've eaten something poisonous. It can be very hard to get a cat to drink salt water even though it's important to make sure they don't do damage to themselves through consuming the poison. A syringe then can be used in order to suck up the saline solution and then to squirt it directly down your cat's throat - it might seem cruel at the time but it may be the only way to save their life. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

Thus in such a case a vet product can actually save your cat's life and so it is important to be able to get these when necessary. Furthermore you might wish to preempt such circumstances by making sure that you have these vet products to hand ready in case something happens. It is a good idea to speak with your vet and find out which items are likely to come in handy.

Other than that you need to make sure you look after your cat and keep them as healthy as possible. Make sure they come into the home at night and be careful to feed them a balanced and healthy diet in order to ensure they have all the vitamins they need and all the protein they need to repair their muscles and bones.

There is an ever growing range of vet products on the market these days, as more and more is learned about how to treat illnesses. This includes a larger range of vet products for cats.

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Cat Litter Training Done Right the First Time

It is much easier to litter train your kitty if you do it right the first time. Cats have an extremely long memory when it comes to things that are unpleasant or scary to them. They also have a highly developed sense of smell and unlike dogs will not tolerate smells that are offensive to them. This could explain why you have never seen a cat rolling in anything dead or that stinks to high heaven!

The first thing you will need is a litter box with sides low enough for your kitty to get in it without any trouble. Litter boxes do come with covers that the owners prefer much more than the cats do. The cover keeps more of the smell inside the litter box but also makes the box more objectionable to your kitty. Your goal is to always do what encourages your kitty to use the litter box over anything else. The same goes for scented litter. It is much more pleasant to the cat owner than the cat. Most cats prefer un-scented litter and also seem to prefer clumping litter. This might be because the clumping litter allows you to remove more of the smell from the box in between box changes. You also will need one box per cat. Some cats will not use a litter box that another cat is also using.

Place the litter box in a quiet place where your kitty will have some privacy but is still easy for her or him to find. It should not be placed near anything that makes any sudden or loud noises that could startle her while using it. Keep it away from the washing machine, dishwasher, furnace and all appliances that could scare your kitty away. Show your kitty where the litter box is, put her in it and show her how to dig by gently holding her front paw and digging into the litter. Most kitties will pick up what you want them to do almost immediately.

If your kitty has an accident outside the litter box it is very important that you do not scold or scare her. You do not want your kitty to associate you with fear. Never smack your kitty or rub her nose in her mess to teach her. All this teaches her is to be afraid of you. Clean up the mess and put the soiled paper towel in the litter box with your kitty to get her to make the association that the litter box is where she should be doing her business. It is best to clean up the accident with an enzyme cleaner such as Nature's Miracle. You need to totally remove the smell or your kitty will associate that spot with where she should go from now on.

The kitty litter box must be kept very clean. Nothing turns off a kitty more than having a dirty, smelly box to do her business in. The box should be cleaned at least once a day and more often if more than one kitty is using it. I have 2 cats with 2 litter boxes and they change from day-to-day as to which box or boxes they might be using! You should also totally change the litter in the boxes a few times a month. Dump the litter and wash the box out with a vinegar and water solution. Do not use strong deodorants or detergents to make it smell better! The vinegar should take care any odor problem and not be offensive to your kitty. Rinse the box out, dry and fill with fresh litter.

The other most important tip I can give you is when you find what works - don't change it! Cats are not very tolerant of change and changing the type of litter or where the litter box is located can easily spell disaster! That is why it is so important to get it right the first time.

Valerie McCune is the owner of 2 ragdoll cats and 1 questionable breed dog that she loves owning and writing about.

Visit her website at for more articles about pets and pet supplies.

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Valerie McCune - EzineArticles Expert Author

Your Cat Deserves A Vacation Too

When you think of going on a vacation, what comes to your mind. Who is going to take care of your cat? Buying him the cat tree, your neighbor told you about? I don't think so.

Your going to think of that wonderful hotel you will be staying at.

The large comfortable bed and room service.

Breakfast in bed, morning noon and night.

Eating out, having a glass of wine and not worrying about calories.

The unbelievable sunset from our balcony.

We can even jump up and down on the bed.

No, cooking or clean-up.

We can drop our clothes right where we take them off.

Splash on the mirror and don't wipe down the shower.

Let your husband leave his socks on the floor, who cares?

What about your poor little kitty left at home? Sure, Aunt Judy will come over and feed him, maybe give him a pat on the head. Big deal! She will probably bring over her grandson, so he can pull on kitty's tail.

She doesn't even own a cat, so what does she know about taking care of one. Aunt Judy, won't let him outside, so he won't be able to climb on the trees. Worst, of all,I bet they will bring him back one of those silly mice that squeak. You know, the ones that have been around for a thousand years. Except, this one will probably say Hawaii on it. I guess, that's suppose to make it special.

Well, your cat deserves a vacation too. He needs his very own hotel, so he will feel like he is on vacation. It's too bad, they were too busy getting ready for their trip and didn't have time to get one of those cat trees, the neighbors told them about. Your feline can run, jump, leap and have all sorts of toy's to play with. Do you realize, how much exercise your cat will get, while he is playing on his cat tree and not even know it? Instead of scratching your furniture and pillows, he will trim his claws while playing. When he is all worn-out, your feline will fill his little belly, curl-up in his cushy bed and fall asleep with a smile on his face. Your kitty won't even know when your gone.

Now, let me tell you the great ending to this article. When you buy your kitty his cat tree, he will have it for a very, very, long time. When your vacation is over, you will come back to the same old routine, day after day.


Great quality, discount, cat trees!

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Cat Furniture: Fun and Healthy

When I got my cats their first piece of cat furniture, years ago,it was a simple pole with three rather small platforms on it. They enjoyed it but it was rather limited. Cat furniture has come a long way since then and there are so many terrific styles to choose from now. They have so many added features, like attached toys, scratching posts, cubicles, and many other things, that they are truly wonderful.The addition of sisal scratching posts has been great because cats love sisal. I heard a long time ago that we use carpeted scratching posts for our cats, encourage them to scratch on it, and then get mad because they scratch the carpet on the floor. As smart as we think our cats are (and of course they really are that smart...haha) they don't know the difference between the carpet on the post and the floor. Poor things are totally confused! The sisal however makes it clear what to scratch on and they like it much better. It makes their cat furniture so much more fun for them and so much easier on our carpets.

The fun that cats have playing on this furniture is a riot to watch. It's honestly just as much fun for us and I have spent many hours just watching their antics on the cat towers and condos they have. I have noticed that some of my cats that were not exactly friends became very close after a good romp on the tower. They also like to claim their own level for napping and never seem to argue over it. It is very important for cats to know they have their own space, their own territory. They love to sleep with us on our beds and curl up on the couch, but once they know their cat furniture is just for them, they love that sense of it being all theirs. The taller towers, trees and condos are heaven for a cat. They can get up high and survey all that's going on. I personally think they also enjoy being "above us" and who can blame them. When your that little and always have these tall humans looming over you, must be nice to be taller for a change! The cubicles are a perfect place for them to get in, and still be able to see out, making them feel cozy and safe. The fun of cat furniture never ends.

The other benefit is very important, and one I didn't really think about at first. Cat furniture keeps our pets healthier. The climbing, jumping and stretching keeps them not only limber, but helps to control their weight. I have had several slightly overweight cats that slimmed down noticeably after playing for a couple of weeks on their tower. I've tried putting them on diets,without much success, but the towers and condos worked much better. Like us, the more they move, the better. I think it helps so much for them to stay limber and might keep them from getting arthritic as they age. My older cats certainly seem to be more energetic than they used to be. I can't say enough about the benefits of cat furniture. It's not just for fun, but also for the health of your cat. There are so many styles, colors, sizes and options available now that you will be sure to find just the right one for your cat or cats.

I love animals, cooking and writing and look for ways to share these passions with others.

For some fabulous cat furniture, check out my website below!

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Getting Rid of Cat's Litter

Do you have cats at home? If no, are you planning to have one? Are you doubtful of having cats as pets because you lack the know-how on how to care for them effectively? Are you having problems on how to remove the foul smell of their waste? If so, read on and consider the suggestions mentioned.

Reasons for having cats as pets

Cats are suitable as pets because they are vain animals who love to groom themselves always. After having a walk, eating or playing, they love to lick their paw and wipe their ears, faces and other hard-to-reach areas of their body.

They are independent animals who can feed themselves by catching mice, birds and fishes.

They are sensitive and good companions. They are sensitive to the feelings of their masters and they know when you are depressed, down or having problems. To comfort you, they wrap themselves around your leg or jump onto your lap.

They are inexpensive to care for. Cat foods are cheap and occasional visits to the veterinarian do not cost much. Even their feeding bowls, toys, grooming kits and litter box are affordable.

Like other animals around, cats are also the favorites of pet owners because they are lovable, cuddly and easy to care for. As pet owner, your responsibility to your pet is not solely limited in bringing him to the veterinarian regularly and providing them with the needed vitamins, food and minerals. It is also your responsibility to keep their litter box, sleeping area and feeding bowl clean to avoid the growth of microorganisms and bacteria. By keeping these areas clean, you avoid diseases and infections from harming not only your pets, but your family as well.

However, not all of us have the know-how on how to clean and to remove the foul smell of their feces from their litter box.

Ways of cleaning your cat's waste:

Aside from their feces, the smell of their urine is unimaginable. If you do not scoop their waste regularly from their litter box, chances are, your kitty may deposit their feces anywhere your home.

Make it a point to regularly check the box for contents or observe the usual time they relieve themselves and deposit something on the box. Regularly remove them to avoid awful smell from permeating your home.

To clean the box, scoop the waste and place it inside a plastic bag and wrap it tightly. To neutralize your home and to keep the environment smelling fresh and clean, empty their litter box and the wastebasket often.

Because the foul odor are not removed easily by plain water. Buy a cleaning solution or cat waste cleaning solution found in stores. You can also use chlorine or cleaning disinfectants sold in grocery stores.

By keeping these areas always clean and net, you can keep your pet healthy and clean and avoid diseases and illnesses.

With these tips and suggestions at hand, you can keep your home and your cat's waste disposal area clean and fresh.

Ella Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat bed and cat beds as well as a host of additional products.

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Cat food intolerance

cat aliment intolerance

cat aliment intolerance

I own a 1 year aged masculine cat with a aliment intolerance.Provided he eats ...

4 Answers to “I own a 1 year aged masculine cat with a aliment intolerance.Provided he eats too even aliment he gets diarrhoea.I own?” Laurie says: Feb 7, 2011 at 6:50 pm.At 1 year of time, 8 lbs is accustomed for the standard size cat....

Furry Information – Why Does My Cat Accumulate Throwing Up? - Pet Grooming ...

Aliment intolerances are similar to allergies, however may beggarly your cat any more suffers from a disturbance in their digestive system caused by something in the aliment.Milk is the most general aliment intolerance in cats.Cat vomiting can too be ...

Musings of Scoobydoobeach: The Blog Approximately Annihilation

While I am talking approximately annihilation, our cat continues to pick at her fresh "biological" aliment.As I own written out, I own changed the cat aliment at least six times in the former year and the kitty ate whatever we put in front of her, ...

Cat Aliment Intolerance Testing

Cat aliment intolerance occurs when pets react adversely to sure ingredients or foods that they own consumed.Most cats that suffer from aliment intolerance show symptoms that are similar to a stomach upset in people.

Upset Stomach

But, my cat Gabby (16 years aged) recently passed blood in her stools however it alone happened once and it too happened after I fed her a "wet" cat aliment.I begin blood on the floor and in her potty box.She usually gets dry Deli Cat aliment.Once she passed it all, ...Could be anything from a bacteria virus to a blockage in the tummy to constipation or aloof intolerance of aliment.Provided I were you Id take your dog to amuse a test up.Slang aching can it? amberskye is online any more ...

Your Aliment Intolerance Q and A Results!

I received some really absorbing questions, including some that showed how adamantine it can be dealing with aliment intolerance, exceptionally in children.All the answers from Dr Gill Hart are posted below.I own removed your names from the ...

Aliment Allergies in Cats

Aliment allergies in cats, to be properly identified and treated, must be separated from aliment intolerance.Aliment allergies will show signs of itching and other skin conditions, while aliment intolerance will nearly especially show alone two ...

My cat started vomiting generally when we moved a hardly any months ago.

When ever we see this our aboriginal recommendation is to add canned aliment to the diet, in an man cat 1 can per time is sufficient.Provided this makes no aberration then you may be dealing with a aliment intolerance.Cats can advance aliment allergies ...

Five Question Friday – “Goodbye Elimination Diet, Hello Chocolate ...

...I can reintroduce the other foods and gauge my reaction to them properly, I'm falling off the wagon and aloof getting the expensive-and-not-as-conclusive-but-potentially-less-rice-cake-intensive aliment intolerance blood tests done....

Any ideas what my cat's aliment intolerance could be?

local his intake however am any more worried since he is a growing cat and he seems underweight (8 lbs.).Is there anything I can food him that would not advance to this symptom? He is alone eating a accustomed portion for breakfast, sometimes 3-4 treats for lunch and 1/4 cup dry for dinner.Thanks very even.

I own a 1 year aged masculine cat with a aliment intolerance.Provided he eats too even aliment he gets diarrhoea.I own?

My 1 year aged cat has had intermittent diarrhoea for a couple of months. The vet put her on Hills I/D however this produced a design of a very flat stool every week (usually a hardly any hours after a great stool) and then would revert back to accustomed for approximately a week. After a month on Hills I/D and a faecal sample showed no parasites the vet suggested a aliment intolerance and prescribed Royal Canin Hypoallergic dry aliment and Prednison.Right from the start of this diet it has fast the diarrhoea to every time - one great motility followed by a flat cowpat approximately 6 hours subsequent. This has out on for 10 days so far. Any more the vet wants her to abide on this diet and he is considering parasites according to Giardia so has prescribed sulfametoxazol.He warned me this had a mouth frothing reaction however it was quite frighting to see her leak saliva and drool around the whole abode, I don't think I am going to grasp her very accessible to direct that every time! Sometimes I aloof air according to putting her back on accustomed aliment as I cannot understand why a 'safe' aliment according to the Hypoallergic should produce such diarrhoea. I aloof wondered provided anyone outside there had any aid or opinions as this daily diarrhoea is causing a ample headache.

cat with chronic diarrhoea?

I never had a abundance of allergies as a child, aloof cats and straw fever.Any more I am noticing that I amuse an itchy mouth after eating cantaloupe, bananas, and apples.I much got a bloodless sore or some affectionate of bump in my lip after I had an apple two days ago. I should probably activity and amuse an allergy test.Has this happened to anyone else? Should I amuse a aliment intolerance test too? I did amuse two fresh dogs in the former 4 years.That could be contributing.I'll accord up apples before I accord them up, though!

Is it accustomed to advance fresh allergies as an man?

One of my 4 yr aged cats will occasionally overgroom to the point of creating sore bald spots.The vet gives her anti-inflammatory poke however this is alone temporary solution.I would according to to try and work outside what could be irritating her.She has regular flea/worm treatment much though she's indoors alone.She eats Royal Canin dry and Felix supermeat wet and has water.She slang eat Felix jello, Whiskas, Activity Kat, IAMS, aerial meat content as she pukes and poos poor.So I am wondering provided its a aliment intolerance or something in her world rather than fleas???

Ideas for cat skin irritation causes?

I adopted an 8 month aged, masculine kitten from a shelter at the end week who tested rejection for all diseases and parasites.For the aboriginal hardly any days, he didn't eat any cat aliment I gave him.I tried altered dry aliment varieties, altered wet aliment makers (Fancy Feast, Friskies, Government) and he wouldn't own any of it.He's doing a babyish bigger any more, however still isn't getting the nutrition he needs. I tried pouring some tuna extract on his wet aliment and placing chunks of it inside with "some" success.Added than half of what I accord him gets licked to the sides though.He licks the dry aliment too, and much though it's kitten formula and very small he aloof can't seem to amuse that even of it into his mouth.Any tips to set this, or amuse him added aflame to eat his wet aliment? I've too been feeding him a tablespoon of cream which I plan to accomplish once every 3 days to aid him put on weight.He's so thin right any more.He didn't show any lactose intolerance so far (he stole the milk from my cereal a hardly any times already while I was out), and his poop is completely accustomed.He seems good with it, however can cream be poor for a cat for other reasons? Strangely, he won't much lick the aliment that the shelter provided.It was too Friskies (they used all altered flavours) which is not the healthiest to accord to a cat.He did alive with three other cats though, and it's possible that they simply ate the wet aliment instead of him.Some added details: He lives alone, and adjusted to my apartment on the aboriginal time he was there.The aboriginal after dark, he was sleeping on the bed, and continues to accomplish so.He's too acutely affectionate and follows me encircling wherever I activity.I take out his aliment at after dark since some persons own recommended putting him on a schedule.Thanks for the aid so far! I will be bringing him to the vet this Sunday, and will try mixing his wet aliment with water to constitute a soup.That's a good concept!

Cat is starving himself?

Ive read innova EVO and wellness are great however they are adamantine to acquisition where i alive and ive too read they can be poor for cats with aerial protein intolerance.Im thinking of buying Avoderm or California accustomed.are those ok? they currently eat purina cat chow. Too, accomplish i own to food them a sure size? Since i own a abundance of cats I usually aloof pour aliment on the dish and they come eat when they want.

what is a great quality cat aliment to switch to?

I food my 2 year aged female cat a compound of Purina One and Fancy Feast.Lately, she hasn't been eating at all and has been very anti-social, hiding under my bed and in the closet.It seems as provided she's hungry however whenever I accord her aliment she refuses to eat it.She tries to swallow it however then gags and runs under the bed.At aboriginal I thought something was caught in her throat and tried to own a attending however she wouldn't let me anywhere near her mouth.Then today my brother was manufacture a tuna sandwich and he sure to accord her some tuna.She ate half the can!! Could it be that she is hypersensitive to the aliment I'm feeding her or that she's developed an intolerance to it?

Is my cat hypersensitive to her aliment?

Our 13 yr aged cat has rapidly been losing weight recently and has absent muscle volume from her hind legs.She's off her aliment and generally torpid.Her pupils own alter to dilated no affair the ablaze akin and over the at the end hardly any weeks has 'blacked outside' a hardly any times.Initially the vet thought she had aliment intolerance (!) however any more we are awaiting blood results as it looks according to either kidney failure or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Does anyone own familiarity of these conditions? I'm aware that they may not be curable however are there treatments that can let her alive a continued activity? Thanks to eveyone who has answered, they're all very accessible replies.We any more understand Tilly doesn't own passion failure however does own a problem with her kidneys and are any more waiting to see provided her aerial blood pressure is causing the kidney problem or whether it's the other way round.Either way she can own treatment for a while however the vet says she may alive weeks or possibly up to a year.We are so upset, however at least we can constitute her comfortable any more for as continued as possible. I own really begin all the answers accessible and own begin it impossible to choose a 'ace return' so am leaving it to a public vote, thanks again to everyone.

Does anyone own familiarity caring for an unwell cat?

I rescued her from the side of the road last of Jun this year.As you can visualize her fur was matted, so thin and starving.Got her checked at the vets, they said she needed tlc and she would be good.She has been very sick and always had a upset stomach, so put her on a sensitivity diet from the vet and this seemed to work.Yesterday it all kicked off again, she was so poorly.Has anyone any ability of these pedigree cats who perhaps could action me some help, or much provided this is general with these cats.Any answers will be appreciated.

Chinchilla Persian Cat....intolerance to sure aliment.?

I own 2 deserted kittens that I took in 2 days ago, vet estimated them to be between 4-6 weeks of time.They cannot drive the kitten aliment I was accustomed however cherish the kitten formula.But, they are any more having white stools, which I read are caused by formula intolerance.Unfortunately I can't acquisition any information on what to food as an alternative to kitten formula, and the vet is closed.Any guidance would be even appreciated.I'm not usually a cat person however these babies own won my passion, and they are a thing of our family any more.

homemade recipe for cat food

Litter Box Solutions

As the owner of three fully grown cats, I know from personal experience how taxing cats can be. Especially when you have more than one. Everyone always thinks that kittens are the most taxing. But the people that say that have not had to deal with three two year old tabby cats. As a breed, tabby cats are by far the most mischievous of all other cat breeds. With my cats, this means that they love to play in their litter box. And I don't mean play as in going to the bathroom. No, my cats seem to find great amusement in kicking litter out of their cat box and onto my freshly swept hardwood floor. But enough about my demon cats.

New time cat owners may not know exactly what to do with their cat boxes. Believe it or not, but there are certain 'rules' when it comes to dealing with cat boxes. One of the first and foremost of those rules is for multiple cats. If you have more than one cat, like I do, then you should have more than one litter box. I know, sounds expensive right? I can be yes, but if you have multiple cats, you shouldn't confine them to using only one litter box. Between my three cats, the litter box gets very full, very fast. So you should typically have one litter box per cat. This means that since I have three cats, I need three cat boxes. You should keep each of the litter boxes in an accessible place, so that the cats can get to them quickly and easily.

As for how much litter you should put in each box, you need to put in enough so that all of the kitty waste will be absorbed into the litter, and be able to form nice clumps that make the removal process that much easier. I myself use a litter that is made of corn, not clay, so it absorbs urine and sticks to cat feces a lot better. Corn litter also does not smell as bad as the clay litter does, and it clumps more easily.

Also, clean out your cat's box on a daily basis. This does not mean change the litter every day, but you should remove all of the clumps of waste every day. If you don't your cat will stop using the cat box and instead will opt to go to the bathroom on your bed. (I found this out the hard way)

Another great tip to keep in mind is that cat's do like their privacy when going to the bathroom, so a hooded litter box is a wise investment.

For more information about litter boxes, please take a look at cat litter boxes.

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Useful Information You Need to Consider Before You Get a Cat

Are you considering the idea to get a pet? In case you are thinking about getting a cat, you need to know a few things.

You need to keep in mind that the kitty is a living creature that needs love and attention. In addition, the cat should be treated like a family member. Here are some useful facts about cats that you should consider carefully before you take a cat at home.

Cats can't be trained like dogs.

Many people believe cats are similar to dogs but this is a serious misconception. Kitties and dogs are very different. Of course, like every living creature, cat and dogs need food and water, but they don't have anything else in common. Dogs are trainable; they can learn to do many things, while cats can't be trained at all.

They are mainly interested in their own needs. You may want to train your feline to do tricks, but the certainly won't do this just to please its owner. Now, this doesn't mean cats don't do tricks at all, but you have to find out how to make them do the things you want. Once in a while your cat may just do something you want, but don't think the feline is doing it because of you.

Cats need a place of their own

Just like you need your own bed, they need some place that is theirs. Usually, cats want small and comfortable beds where they can sleep undisturbed. Some felines will prefer a window seat bed because they will be able to enjoy the warm sun while they are curling by the window. Others will be happy to sleep in some dark corner in a secure and soft small bed.

Cats love climbing

They are very fond of the idea to be at the top of the world. So it is not surprising why these animals often climb on your furniture and try to find the highest place in the room. Once they get there, felines can stay high for hours. The owners of these pets often purchase their pets pieces of cat furniture, including cat trees. These structures are tall and provide felines with a great place to climb and play.

Most of the cat trees combine various purposes. Some of them have incorporated scratching pads which allow your cat to sharpen its claws without damaging your furniture. Others have multiple cat toys attached, so the cat can play with them. Also, many cat trees have perches on different levels where the cat can climb or sleep. Most cats like such pieces of furniture because they provide them with a place of their own - a place to climb, play and sleep. Cat trees are very useful if you have other animals or small children, because felines feel more secure and undisturbed on them. In addition, cat trees are very helpful for your cat's health, as they give cats the opportunity to exercise.

Shop at for fun furniture for cats and kittens - everything imaginable for cats, such as: cat trees and more quality cat beds furniture. You will find best deal with us. Visit Us!

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