How many pounds of cat food do you go through a month?


I have 6 cats and I go through 50 or more pounds of cat food every month.


3 cats, 2 still very young, go through about 1 large bag... 25lbs? a monthNow the litter they go through... sheesh!!! I swear Im emptying 3 lbs of it a day!


During the Winter my two cats went through about 2-3 pounds of cat food a month. We supplement their food with fresh meat and they steal from the dog when he has wet food. I have a 2 pound bag of cat food that I bought at the beginning of May that has not been opened yet. Between my neighbours feeding and them eating what they catch they probably wont require food again until the Fall. The dog will probably have to eat the cat food. Whenever we bar-b-que they get the trimmings off whatever is grilling.


Ive only got two cats, but I think if I added it all up, Id cry. Haha. They eat a lot, because theyre almost a year old, so theyre still growing and maturing. I dont know a weight estimate, but Ill say two bags a month. Which is hard to carry from the store to the parking lot, so I assume its up there on the scale. Hah.


It takes my cats (2) a few months to eat through a 12lb bag of Wellness CORE. They also get canned food and raw meat so Im not sure how to factor that in. EDIT: Yikes at you people whose cats eat 30lbs of food a month?


I have four cats and go through probably 15 pounds of dry food and a can a day of wet.


Gosh, my 6 year old cat takes 2-3 months to go through a 15 pound bag of food, and she eats 3-4 cans a month of wet,


3 cats and i go through 20-30 lbs a month depending on how greedy my little buggers are!


I have 2 cats and they eat approx. 18-23 lbs of food each month.