Can i soak dry cat food to make it soft for him?


My cat seems having trouble eating his dry food, it seemed like he choked on it and another time tried to eat but meowed and went away. Can I soak his food in water to make it easier to eat for him? Thanks


No. Most dry cat food is contaminated with bacteria and fungi spores. When you wet it you are bring all those to life. Dont do it. Wet food is much better for cats. It sounds like your cat has infected gums. He is probably in a good deal of discomfort. Please get him to the vet for a check-up as soon as you can and have his mouth looked at.


No - wetting dry food can cause it to spoil faster. Try feeding quality canned food. Canned is better for cats anyway. And have a vet take a look at your cat - not eating can mean tooth problems as well as other medical problems


Rather than that, try some of the soft/dry in the little foil packets if you dont want to go to canned. The dry crumbles into a fine mess if you over wet it.


Umm he probably wont eat it if you soak it in water. you should take him to the vet because that doesnt sound normal but until you do just get real soft food like that canned fancy feast stuff


A little warm/hot water is usually the best way to do this (be careful of strait tap water if you have old pipes, some cats are sensitive) and only for a single small serving. And once it cools give it to the cat. I wouldnt do this long term, just as a quick fix until store time. Some oils can also be used or it can be mixed with soft food, but if this is something that just developed and is continuous, it might be something to talk to your vet about. Check your cats gums and teeth. Are those normal? Did you try a different food brand? Not eating is usually a sign of something. Try a different brand or soft food. Soft food is usually more hydrating and your cat may drink less when switched over. But check the rest of your cats over all health. Is it drinking? How is the pulse? What do the eyes look like? The gums?**Id check this site and look at what it says and then think about taking your kitty to the vet just in case. http://www. sniksnak. com/cathealth/howto8…


That can impact the stomach and make them even more sick! take to vet but first try the wet can food


Red gums?? does it look like a red line along the gums at the base of the teeth? if so its feline gingivitis. Something that the vet needs to have a look at. If left untreated the cats teeth eventually become loose and fall out. Even if its not reached that stage the vet may have to extract. Cats can still eat hard food even if theyve had their teeth extracted - the gums harden and the cat can still chew.


You should buy soft food with gravy around it in the packet (whiskas is a brand) its soft and i suppose liquidy enough and will prob help... my dogs eat dog food like that but its called ceasers and i sometimes give my cat that as a treat... i go horse riding and there is an old pony thats jaw swells up and cant eat her conditining cubes ( some type of pony nuts ) and so we put some water into it and mash it up. im not to sure your cat may like the taste to much but you should give it a go so it wont get hungry!! Hope that helped :)




I would try him on some canned or pouch food. And take him to the vet to check his teeth, gums and throat. You dont say how old he is? I feed my cats wet food, but they always have access to dried food as well. As this helps keep their teeth clean. Always, make sure he has water. Not tap water though. Bottled or filtered water.