Why do uk cat food manufacturers make such unpalatable cat food?


I have tried them all and my cats hate them all. Are they spoilt or is the cat food nasty?


Cats are very smart. If they know you will hunt through the cupboard for something they like better they are very good at waiting you out. A lot of cat owners think their cats dont like a food because they dont eat much in one go, but they are natural grazers and most cats, if given an option, prefer to eat small meals throughout the day. A lot of cats we see are overweight so it might be worth going to the vets for a weight check to see if your cats are too chubby. I have seen some cats on very weird and unhealthy diets because owners kept trying to find a favorite food. I had one that would only eat liver and one that only ate prawns( not the cheap ones-of course).If I were in your situation I would use the complete cat food that they seem to hate least. Offer 2-3 meals daily, but only leave the food down for 20mins each time. Dont leave biscuits down all day for snacks. And most important, when they give you that look that says, "What is that disgusting mess in my bowl?" you have to ignore them.


What i would like to know is why they dont make cat flavoured dog food or mouse flavoured cat food?


If you havent tried them for yourself, how do you know that they are unpalatable? If your cat eats it, and it does him/her no harm, what does it matter?


Well Im not sure they do, Scott Mills likes it, watch this cliphttp://www. youtube. com/watch? v=VRurrtojS…


My cats seem to be quite fussy - They seem to really like the whiskers that come in the little sachet things - not too keen on some of the canned stuff. They love prawns, ham, chicken and other human foods though. I think our cats our are spoilt..


Ill trade you some US cat food for UK beer! I really dont know why your cats hate your UK cat food. Maybe they heard something on the news about "MAD COWS" or something. ORMaybe they are just holding out for some Bangers and Beans!


Why are you tasting cat food????personally i wanna know why they dont make mice flavoured cat food!!!


I don/t like it either.


Hate to say this but i would say they are spoiled. Why not try a complete dry food or if they will not eat this then add some water to it to bring out the smell. Hope this helps!!!


They thought cats couldnt talk and complain. The human food manufacturers are not doing any better either, even though they know we can talk and complain.


Euuuwwwww youve tried them all????have you got furballs now? or is it the way you walk?


I suspect that the Brits have never gotten over their Puritanical hatred of cats. They probably taste test their cat food on dogs, who as everyone knows will eat just about anything except the cans in which it is packaged. Almost like goats.


I love Whiskers myself. The cats dont even get a look in. P.S. How do wash? Do you stick one leg in the air and lick yourself clean? Can I watch?


My cat is fussy, first she only ate wet whiskas, then Dry Food and went off that. now she eats Dry iams and once a day she will get some luxury wet cat food. havent had a problem since!


Profit. they dont care about you or your cat. fact.


You cant expect cat food to be freshly caught salmon baked with sea salt and fresh thyme, cat food is made out of dead or rotten horses meat so of course it is nasty to humans but to cats, who eat disease ridden rats and rabid birds, it should be delicious


The cats look at the price tags on the cans mostly


And why dont any of them make mouse-flavoured cat food?


Cheap b8sterds. lets see them eat it.


Stop eating cat food for heavens sake!


They must be spoilt. Even the fussiest moggy Ive ever known was happy with the top brands such as Whiskas or Felix.


Cats r weard like that i have 4 a dog a rabbit i live in a flatmy cats have to have different food and some of them have to have it out there bowl? and my dog and rabbit have the ones they dont like


Unfortunately, British cuisine for people is not too palatable. Why would cat food be different?


It sucks.


Because they design them to sustain old ladies who go to Asda to buy cat food for Tiddles that they intend to eat themselves. All cat food therefore consists of tripe, custard, and Yorkshire pudding. No wonder your cat wont eat it. Either make your own cat food or exchange your cat for an old lady. Old ladies make excellent pets.


We are not meant to like it, only our animals


Hehe... my cat was on whiskers and hated it then she went onto iams seemed to like but after a while didnt eat it then went onto the really expensive sheeba......... she loves it TYPICAL


Well i feed my cat dried food throughout the day and then 1 tin of tuna she is definitely spoilt but i wouldnt personally eat the cat food. lol


What did cats eat before tinned cat food? Its cheaper too, Because the dog will eat it.


In the states there is a product called kids@cats. for kids and cats to eat its very true. i suppose its better than cats over the pond eating cheese burgers to be as fat as their owners.