What can i give cats to eat to give them a break from cat food?


Week in and week out they eat the cat food pouches. Does anyone have any suggestions for anything else, what about scrambled egg?


Tin of sardines or pilchards, they love them.


I feed my cats fish live fish that we catch. If you dont want to catch a live fish stop feeding your cats. That was a joke i love cats and i would ahte for them to be starved. How about trying other cat food maybe your cats need a new variaty. It might make them better in anyother way.


Cats should be out hunting for mice for half the day. I second the pilchards good cheap food for a cat.


My cat loves tins of tuna now and again!!


A can of tuna or sardines is a nice treat I give my kitties




Try some fresh cooked fish, or even cheese. ours like it.


You can get dry food for them, cats love to crunch that stuff. My cat loves eggs and also cheese and porridge, believe it or not.


Try a freshly trapped blackbird.


No, give them boiled chicken or turkey (white meat.) Scrambled eggs were not meant to be eaten by cats!


Not egg! if you really want to treat them... they REALLY love salmon. tuna is ok every now and then too or some chopped up chicken leg/breast.


I give mine chicken, ham or turkey.. He loves it. But he will eat anything.


I give my cats ham/beef as a treat. Nothing too salty.


Mice or sparrows they love them.


Tinned supermarket tuna its cheaper better for them, also tinned mackeral


Sausage egg and chips with hp sauce


I was going to say scrambled egg, cheese, fish, chicken [take any bones out.]


Dig out some frozen left over turkey and the lil darlings will so sleep later and wake up soooo happy....I usually give mine a can of tune...or at dinnertime they eat asparagus crispycooked... or go outside and get a handful of green wideblades of grass. for some reason they woke eat scrambled eggs...fix it raw....




My cat loves chicken breast, ham and tuna. You may find that your cat gets used to the good life and then wont touch the usual cat food.


One of my cats loves cornflakes, another loves crisps.


Chicken, rice, tuna, sardines, corned beef theyll eat pretty much anything u give them if its different from cat food pouches. Why not try changing the variety of cat food?


Small tin of tuna or sardines or pilchards. A mouse! One of ours loves cheese but it gives him the runs if he eats too much. Im sure yur cats are quite happy with the pouches, its only us humans who think they should have a change cos were bored with the same thing, not them! Give them something different as a small treat only. And yes, some do like egg, and please, never raw even if they do like it!


They will go crazy over scrambled eggs! Just be careful to give them a little bit at a time, and especially try to mash stuff up first. Otherwise they eat it in large chunks and up it comes again in no time flat. Mine love peas - especially pea juice! Its not too heavy for them. I figure that way they get some greens, and it doesnt cost me to buy something thats just going to go down the sink anyway. ANY people food should, again, be in very small pieces and only given as moderate treats. Have fun!


HI there...boiled chicken is fine, however tuna in fact isnt good for cats. Heres an article on why: Heres a web article about Tuna and how it is toxic to cats (again any vet can confirm this fact as well):http://www. lenhumanesoc. org/Tips/ASPCA-T…"TUNA FOR CATS? NO! Tuna can be fatal to cats and is not something to be fed to them...The human variety of tuna fish contains an enzyme that destroys vitamin B1 (thiamine). Cats who regularly eat tuna can develop a vitamin B1 deficiency, which results in neurological symptoms like dilated eyes, loss of equilibrium, seizures and death if this vitamin is not replaced. The scientific name of this disease is polioencephlomalacia. Clearwater veterinarian Richard Brancato said that though most domestic cats do enjoy fish, feeding them a diet of only tuna can cause serious disorders. Although it is high in protein, tuna lacks sufficient amounts of certain amino acids, mainly taurine, to maintain feline health. There is insufficient calcium to balance the phosphorus; the ratio in canned tuna is 1-to-14.8. This results in bone disease. Many essential vitamins such as A and most B vitamins are also lacking, Brancato said. A common disease in cats fed a mainstay of canned tuna is steatitis, or yellow fat disease, an inflammation of the fat tissue in the body due to a deficiency of vitamin E. Source: St. Petersburg Times, published May 14, 2000"Heres another answer by a veterinarian just recently about the dangers of tuna: http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;… A Veterinarian Answered: ... Actually, it is. Ive had to treat numerous cats over the years for pretty severe enteritis resulting from eating tuna meat. One of my own babies got so ill from it when someone else left it sitting out on the counter for 5 minutes while he turned his back to take a phone call, that I had to put her on IV fluids for 2 days, in addition to intestinal medications. How many cats do you know who go swimming in the ocean to catch tuna and eat it as part of their natural diet???Tuna-FLAVORED food....okay. Tuna meat.....bad. I love brownies....but that doesnt mean theyre good for me. Cats also love antifreeze....but we all know what it will do to them. :-/The most you should do is to use the water that is drained off from the can of tuna (not the oil...for another reason), and drizzle it over their dry cat food once or twice a month. Theyll think they died and went to cat heaven!....but without the danger. Save the tuna meat for your sandwiches. Source(s):Im a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with 20 yrs exp in private practice (27 total years in the profession.)Additionally, table scraps are recommended because it can turn consistent eating in to finicky eating habits. Heres more on this as well. its generally recommended not to feed cats any table scraps as it some of the food contains ingredients which can be toxic to their system as well as contribtue to obesity. Any vet can simply confirm these two facts. Articles about why table scraps are bad for kittens/cats and how it causes obesity: http://www. peteducation. com/article. cfm?… Table scraps are the quickest route to weight problems. Many times scraps are nothing more than empty calories. And since you probably save that hunk of fat or sweet morsel you know your cat will like, she gets all the wrong food for a trim waistline. Overweight pets, besides not looking their best, have a higher risk of many health problems. Table scraps are a leading cause of digestive disorders. The rich foods we eat can wreak havoc on your cats digestive tract. A simple, consistent diet keeps their system functioning as it should. Throw in your very different foods and spices and do not be surprised if your cat has bad gas, bad breath, loose stools, etc. You could end up with a finicky eater. If your cat develops a taste for your food, she may stop eating her own. After all, which would you prefer, dry cat food or juicy steak and hamburger every night? http://www. pets. ca/pettips/tips-78.htmhttp://cats. about. com/od/catfoodandnutri…


Weirdly my cats like some cheese but i would reccomend tuna or chicken or something like that because all cats like those and its different.


I feed my socks (not every day)but as a treat i feed him veinne sauguses. they are really cheap for about 40cent a can.


One of my cats loves lasagne hes not even called garfield! Ive found that both of mine love anything with tomato in. you can get tims of mackerel in tomato sauce that both of mine love. I guess theyll eat anything, but stay away from anything pork-related as cats have problems digesting the meat.


Pretty much any kind of meat is good. My cats love tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey, pork and steak. I give them little bites of meat all the time. Cats will also eat cheese or milk or eggs although I dont know if those are good for them.


My old cat did like a bite of egg occasionally... As well as chips, doughnuts, any left over chicken, sausage or fish, oh AND moths!!!Seriously, I find that a serving from my tin of sardines or tuna is always welcome! Some fresh fish (cooked natural in foil, or in a microwave, also recommended by the Cat Protection League) or prawns are bound to be a success - it neednt be expensive to treat your cat like that: most shops reduce to half-price their fresh fish products everyday. Cats are all different, anyway: try little amounts of whatever you feel might be welcome and see their reaction. They can really surprise you... I once had a cat who loved Easter because milk chocolate was his favourite treat, and another whose great delight was olives!


Various types of crunchies - good for their teethfishchickenmeats


You can give your cat some cooked chicken, tuna or anything that you find in cat food and cook it up for your cat. You could also try giving your cat dryed food (the food in the boxes). Or give it treats now and the catnip is the best.


Hi I have 2 cats and 5 year old daughter so you can imagine the cats get lots of tid bits. Here is a list of what my cats like to eat:tuna, sardine (actually almost any type of oily fish!!), chicken, buttered rice, nan bread, porridge made with milk, cheese, peas and gravy, lamb, beef, lunch meat, buttered bread, 1 of them likes mash potato with broccoli (I doubt she is a normal cat), yohgurts, ice cream (half a dessert spoon and never chocolate), cat treats, and cat food. surprisingly they do still eat their cat food (stinky as it may be) a varried diet is very good for cats but their main diet should be cat food as it contains added nutrients and other catty vitamins that they cant get or struggle ger on a diet of people food.