Our nextdoor neighbours dog came


Our nextdoor neighbours dog came in our backyard and my cat went crazy so i quickly grabbed her before the dog did and brought her inside. her food is out side and she is hungry and the dog is visious. so what human food can i feed my cat thats about 6 years old?


1) Your cat is safer indoors.2) Your neighbors dog should not be in your yard. Tell your neighbors to come get him. Your other option is to call animal control3) Do you not have any cat food inside for you cat? Where do you store her food? 4) If you absolutely have no way, for whatever reason, of obtaining cat food, then you can feed a bland diet of boiled chicken or beef and rice (1:1). Do not add anything to it, and you cannot feed this for more than a few days because it is not a balanced diet.


Ummmm......Well why would the cat food be outside in the first place?,,,,Give her some steak, any types of meat, water ( to make her full) ...


What is missing from your story here? You mean you dont have any cat food in your house and it is all outside or you just let the cat scrounge around out there for birds and bugs? Get your cat some food. Take care of your pet. I am always amazed at the neglect that I see here on YA. You are abusing your cat by starving her. You can give her a can of tuna if there is nothing else available. Jeez...


Raw canned tuna:]


Can you just bring her food in doors, even if temporary?


Tuna fish, tuna fish, tuna fish! Cats love the stuff! Jut drain out the water that its in because that as unnecessary amount of sodium in it, which isnt good for any animal.


Some tuna or bits of of chicken. table scraps arent the best thing for cats but it will sufice for now. surely you have a bag of cat food to refill her food bowl right? that or treats would work. i say give your neighbors a polite call asking if they could please remove their dog from your yard. good luck!




