How can i keep my cat from stealing my food?


She has plenty of cat food and will eat it. But she keeps jumping on my lap, or on the table and stealing food off the plate. Shell stop whatever shes doing just to get my food.


Oh my word! LOL! I seriously somewhat can relate. One time I baked and my off the wall feline going to sit and help herself to some shortening, a couple days ago nearly snuck into the Jiffy Mix corn bread batter, and sure the HAAAAAAAAAIL cant keep tuna near her! That cat just likes to be ALL up into stuff sometimes! Its irritating at the time, but I bust out laughing writing about what my feline did because nothing happened to her. I have one crazy cat! Well, one sure fire way to get her to stop is to have a water spritz bottle. It matters not the size. You can shoot at her. It will reach a point where she just sees you with it and shell shoo away! Theres only ONE way that wont work, and that is if shes one of those rare cats who loves water. Or you can put her in a room, shut the door, until you are done! But I recommend the first part! So sorry to hear about that. My goodness! I feel sorry for you, sister girl! We need to trade felines!


Stop giving her the dry cat food to eat and give her the canned cat food you are eating.


Dont let your cat on the table and she wont be able to get to your plate.


Try feeding her some wet canned cat food when you eat. She does this because she can and gets rewards. I have taught my cats the meaning of No and they sit at my feet and never jump on my lap or table when I eat.


Get a empty squirt bottle from walmart. and fill it with water, and every time you see her try to do something you dont want her to, give her a little squirt, just keep doing this til she gets the message, like i said in another answer, this works wonders on my 100 lb Shepherd, he will stop what he is doing and lays down, if he even thinks im going for his squirt bottle. it is safe and completely harmless to your cat. and it really works, cause most cats hate water. Good luck.


I keep a glass of wine or spirits next to my plate... they dont like the smell and stay away.... and it makes me quite content as well. :-)


Put it in another room with its food while your eating


Cant be done.(hes a cat)


Put it in another room while you eat or feed the cat first. She possibley likes your food better.


Our cats are like that. Most of the time theyll sit and watch but sometimes they try to get in our plates or the second we turn our heads theyll snatch something quick as lightning. I give them a small tap on the nose and a firm no. This works well with out female cat but the male is more persistent. He has taken longer to get the idea but it works. If it gets too bad we have to kick them out of the room while we eat. I dont believe in giving them something to eat while were eating unless they behaved well while we were preparing the food. I think it just promotes the behavior..


I do not know, feed the cat more. Or put a mouse trap in your food.


I always lightly tapped my cats nose and told him no and made sure he knew I was serious. It took him a while to understand he could not have my food, but I think its because hes a male :). Im kidding!


Its funny that you should ask this question because I have 2 cats that do the same thing. The best thing to do is to feed them canned cat food at the same time you are eating your food. If your cat still wants some of your food place some on a napkin and put the napkin in the floor. That way she gets the idea that you will feed her but not out of your plate!