Can you make homemade cat food for a cat with lower urinary tract disease?


Hes currently on prescription food.. I dont want him to have UTIs or anything, but I also dont want him to die from poisoned food. The brand hes currently on has not recalled any cat food, but has recently started recalling some dog food. Can I make his food at home, or is there medicine in it thats otherwide unattainable or hard to get? The brand is Royal Canin.


Probably. Im not an expert in that area, but let me see what I can dig up for you.60 seconds or so of research leads me to believe that better hydration is all thats required. For most cats (who have low thirst drives) that means either canned food or even a raw diet. And I dont think you need to get specialty canned food either. Just the fact that canned foods are 70-80% moisture is probably enough. But Ill keep researching.....Below are some quotes from Little Big Cat. I also recommend signing up at the groups Ive listed. You can find more info about the diet connection to flutd there."There are many medical diets made to dissolve struvite stones and to prevent recurrence of struvite and calcium oxalate stones. These include Hills s/d, c/d(s) and c/d(o), Purina CNM-UR, Walthams Control pHormula, and others. These are only available through veterinarians since they create specific acid-base conditions in the cats body that should be monitored by your vet. Canned versions of these foods are preferable to dry. In one study, 60% of cats on a single dry food were symptom-free for a year, compared to 90% of cats eating one canned food. Homemade, organic, natural diets are always on the top of the "good" list for treating this and other chronic disease conditions, but only if they can be fed consistently. Diet changes must always be made gradually to minimize stress on the cat.""There are lots of diets and treatments out there. An individually tailored treatment program is needed for each patient. But, if I had only one rule I could make for all of them, it would be "no dry food.""Diet is a component of LUTD, though usually not the sole cause. Dry cat foods, particularly high-fiber "light" or "senior" foods, contribute to overall dehydration and high urine concentration. Cats with LUTD should not be fed any dry food at all if possible. Canned or homemade foods help keep the urine dilute, minimizing irritation and the risk of crystal or stone formation. Feed in timed meals rather than leaving food available."


I can advice you. I have many cats at home. And when I give them to eat dry catfood some of them starting to urine blood! That I found and I never give to my cats anymore a such food! Usually I am cooking for them : chicken meat with rice, boiling, or some fish or else like liver, some kind of other meat but always it has to go trought the fair, not to have bacterias. It is easy and try it and also cheaper. Think what you like to eat and the cat will eat the same. Every time give it fresh water.


Purina Adult Formula for Urinary Health dry food is a good brand and I believe it hasnt been recalled; I dont Purina has had any recalls.


Check out this link, to get some ideas on what to feed him/her. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article…


My grandmother never used store bought stuff. she saved all her scraps.. potatos, meat, etc. Put it in a pot and cooked it.. sometimes this would give such an aroma that we would be jealous.


I have 2 with FLUTD, a male and a female. The boy cats are at higher risk than girls for blockage. I put extra water in their portions, to dilute the minerals that cause stones. And I add 1 250 mg capsule of cranberry extract to acidify the urine. Make sure you get a well balanced diet for your cat. They can get heart disease without sufficient taurine levels. Most vet offices can give you a copy of a diet.


There are cat recipe books that you can buy. I have one but I cant remember the name right now.